This is a weird app

This app uses ChatGPT API and your diary to answer questions as if it's you.

Install using these steps

pip install -r requirements.txt
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key
update folder_path to your Markdown files 

Start the app by running:


How it works

The script performs the following steps:

  • It reads all markdown files from a specified directory and extracts the text content from them using the markdown_to_text() function.
  • It then uses the Sentence Transformer library to encode them into dense vector representations using the get_embeddings() function.
  • It saves the diary entry embeddings to disk using the save_embeddings_to_disk() function.
  • It uses cosine similarity to filter the most relevant diary entries that match a given prompt using the filter_relevant_entries() function.
  • It combines the filtered diary entries into a single string and generates a response to the prompt using OpenAI's API via the generate_response() function.

How to calibrate

  1. The threshold of the embeddings filter_relevant_entries — greater means more entries can be matched
  2. The temperature of the response on generate_response. 0 means it will only use the diary entries, 1 it will halucinate badly :)

PS: This is the first time I've ever worked in Python. This app is based on asking Chat GPT 4 questions on "How to accomplish X?"

How to test different models

Switch to the model-tests branch to see how other models work for your collection of notes.