
This repository contains example API requests and configuration for Postman API Platform

Webservice Postman examples

This repository shows some Postman collections to illustrate how to use PrestaShop's webservices.

What is Postman

Postman is a powerful collaboration platform that simplifies the process of developing, testing, documenting, and sharing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) by providing a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive set of tools.

As a developer, Postman can greatly assist you in various ways. It allows you to effortlessly send HTTP requests to APIs and receive responses, enabling you to test and debug your own APIs or interact with external APIs. Postman supports different request methods, request headers, query parameters, and request bodies, making it explore API endpoints and their functionalities.

More informations: Official Postman website

How to use those collections

Please read this tutorial: Testing webservices with Postman on devdocs.prestashop-project.org.



This collection illustrates all the common CRUD actions on product resources.


This collection illustrates all the common CRUD actions on a custom resource (articles) from the example module demowsextend, and explained here extend webservice with the custom resource in devdocs.