
This repo has been created for the project associated to the Robotics course (2018/2019) at Politecnico di Milano.

Project Request

  • Compute two different odometry and publish both as tf and odom topic:
    • using Differential Drive Kinematics
    • using Ackerman model
  • Use dynamic reconfigure to switch between different published odometry.
  • Use dynamic reconfigure to reset the odometry to (0,0) or to set to a specific starting point (x,y).
  • Publish a custom message with odometry value and type of source.


In order to run this project it must be insert into a ROS envirnoment and the following commands must me applied into 4 different prompts:
  • in the first prompt start ROS server by typing roscore
  • in the second one do the following commands:
    • cd ~/catkin_ws/ which is the ROS environment folder
    • catkin_make to build up everything
    • rosrun project reader to run the package and the reader node
  • in the third one open the graphical tool required to make dynamic_reconfigure work properly with
    rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
  • the last one plays the bag via rosbag play bag_1.bag