
Vim plugin to quickly select and run GoogleTest asyncronously.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim plugin to quickly select and run GoogleTest asyncronously.



Select gtest command

:GTestCmd path/to/test/executable

Or add this line to your .vimrc:

let g:gtest#gtest_command = "path/to/test/executable"

Default is: ./test

Select tests by name

You can select test case and test name, with autocompletion.

:GTestCase MyTestCase
:GTestName MyTestName

Run selected tests


Find tests

Go to the prev/next test in the current buffer.


Enable/Disable tests under cursor

This remove/add DISABLED_ prefix to test name.


Insert a new test

This insert a new test under cursor.


This text will be inserted, with cursor placed on ✎:

TEST_F(PreviousFixture, ✎) {

PreviousFixture is the name of the first fixture found backward in the source code. A fixture is something like this:

struct MyTest : public testing::Test {

Run test under cursor


Run test with arbitrary runner

By default, vim-gtest will sequentially try neomake, vim-dispatch, vimux, and tslime.vim as the runner to execute tests. If you need to customize the runner, you can use the g:gtest#gtest_runner variable as shown below.

function CustomGTestRun(cmd)
	" Use asyncrun.vim
	exe ":AsyncRun -pos=tab -mode=term -focus=1 " . a:cmd

let g:gtest#gtest_runner = function('CustomGTestRun')


Don't you know what ctrlp.vim is?

It's a fantastic fuzzy finder for vim! Try it immediately!

vim-gtest extends ctrlp.vim with a google test finder. Now you can find and launch tests at the speed of light!

Attention: ctrlp.vim must be installed.


If you are using FZF, vim-gtest extends FZF with a google test finder. Now you can find and launch tests at the speed of light!


You can tell vim-gtest to highlight failing tests using vim's QuickFix. This is available only when vim is run from tmux.

:let g:gtest#highlight_failing_tests = 1

If you have vim-dispatch installed, calling :GTestHighlight isn't needed.

Switch files

You can switch from implementation to header to test:


By default, filenames must follow this rule:

  • implementation: src/**/*.cpp
  • header: src/**/*.hpp
  • test: test/**/*_test.cpp

Test file suffix can be customized in vimrc using

let g:gtest#test_filename_suffix = "Test"

GTestJump will then look for test filename

  • test: test/**/*Test.cpp


You can map these commands to your favorite shortcuts. These are mine:

augroup GTest
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <silent> <leader>tt :GTestRun<CR>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <silent> <leader>tu :GTestRunUnderCursor<CR>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap          <leader>tc :GTestCase<space>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap          <leader>tn :GTestName<space>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <silent> <leader>te :GTestToggleEnabled<CR>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <silent> ]T         :GTestNext<CR>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <silent> [T         :GTestPrev<CR>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <silent> <leader>tf :CtrlPGTest<CR>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <silent> <leader>tj :GTestJump<CR>
	autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap          <leader>ti :GTestNewTest<CR>i
augroup END



If you'd like to help, check out the issues. I'd greatly appreciate any contribution you make. Beer is also appreciated ☺

If you have a question, a feature request, or a new idea, don't hesitate to post new issues or pull requests. Collaboration is the most awesome thing in the open source community!


To test this plugin you need to test it with a testable project. googletest can test itself. Testception ☺.

This will download and compile google test and its unit tests:


Now from vim, just call from command line :GTestCmd ./test/launch.

After editing this plugin, just :source % and try something. Samples unit tests can be found in test/googletest/googletest/samples directory.


Thanks to the creator of https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim

Thanks to the creator of https://github.com/fisadev/vim-ctrlp-cmdpalette, which allowed me to learn how to extend CtrlP.

Special thanks to Tim Pope, the author of vim-dispatch and many other useful plugins.


Like vim-gtest? Follow the repository on GitHub and vote for it on vim.org. And if you're feeling especially charitable, follow Alessandro Pezzato on Twitter and GitHub.

If you like the plugin please don't forget to leave a ⭐ for this project! This will help me to estimate the plugin popularity and plan further development.

If you have already starred this repo, thank you!