Pinned issues
- 4
Suggestion: `framework/vue` support typscript
#465 opened by linbingquan - 0
Roadmap 1.0.0
#461 opened by ije - 7
Hot reloading broken for CSS Modules
#419 opened by akaFTS - 4
The target of build is wrong
#460 opened by Decodetalkers - 5
- 3
Css fonts are not imported
#459 opened by tomkimsour - 1
- 7
Support Deno Deploy?
#409 opened by tatemz - 1
Port Override
#483 opened by osilkin98 - 3
alpha.56 made my pages all blank
#479 opened by tomkimsour - 1
lite aleph cli
#470 opened by elycheikhsmail - 2
each example must has it's config
#469 opened by elycheikhsmail - 2
aleph init --template
#471 opened by elycheikhsmail - 1
OpenAPI Support for API endpoints
#449 opened by tracker1 - 1
Reduce Deno permissions for cli.
#453 opened by Mike96Angelo - 2
[framework/vue] Missing route data when redirect page
#467 opened by ije - 3
Deno linter error on unocss presets in server.tsx
#463 opened by tomkimsour - 0
Flash of Unstyled Content
#437 opened by Industrial - 2
- 4
Warning the configuration file "deno.json" contains an entry for "importMap" that is being ignored.
#454 opened by Decodetalkers - 6
Aleph install instructions leave users with "command not found: aleph"
#431 opened by JoshuaSchlichting - 0
anchor tag to href="/" is broken
#451 opened by itsgoofer - 0
Cannot use import map for imported libraries
#450 opened by codehz - 4
Could not read from file vendor.bundle.entry.js
#438 opened by denyncrawford - 3
aleph build hangs after finishing
#407 opened by akaFTS - 4
deploy to vercel "Command deno run -A build exited with 1"
#448 opened by bobwatcherx - 1
Dev mode: The server content will not be updated until the page component is updated.
#447 opened by TomokiMiyauci - 0
Dev mode: changes to CSS files are reset after refresh
#446 opened by Macil - 5
HTML tag "a" with "mailto" generates incorrect URLs
#445 opened by 97carmine - 6
`aleph start` fails to start the app
#414 opened by shreyashsaitwal - 0
- 3
- 3
Is Aleph still moving forward?
#429 opened by akaFTS - 1
aleph build doesn't honor deno.json target
#433 opened by aricart - 1
CORS support
#432 opened by aricart - 1
Cannot start app
#430 opened by volkanunsal - 1
- 0
init project failed
#427 opened by guobin211 - 4
"window" and "" have type issues
#405 opened by akaFTS - 2
- 1
aleph not support react 18 alpha?
#416 opened by dfang - 0
src dir breaks CSS @import
#417 opened by tv42 - 2
- 4
- 3
Error:Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: The requested module '../server/compress.ts' does not provide an export named 'deno_x_brotli'
#395 opened by getspooky - 9
Server somehow miss identifying function
#398 opened by Lite5h4dow - 2
Can SSR pages access to request?
#401 opened by tatemz - 2
Auto-generated app.tsx has explicit any
#406 opened by akaFTS - 3
incompatible with formik
#396 opened by dfang - 1
[v0.3.0-beta.12] Getting errors with init command
#392 opened by borsemayur2