
This task manager helps you to get things done. And also, it is a quite good django intro for beginners.

Primary LanguagePython

Just To Do It!

Django-powered todo list

This task manager helps you to get things done. And also, it is a quite good django intro for beginners. This repo contains the CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) concept, with this concept you can create basic Django applications and understand how a few things work, like urls, views, models and so on.


  • Clone the repo.
git clone git@github.com:alephmelo/django-task-manager.git
  • Install packages with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create database (Django default is sqlite3)
python manage.py migrate
  • Create super user to use Django-Admin
python manage.py createsuperuser
  • Run for the win!
python manage.py runserver

To do:

  • Create views and forms to add tasks ✅
  • Create view to edit task by id ✅
  • Create view to delete task by id ✅
  • Differ tasks from users in the system. ✅
  • Create boolean attribute into Task Model to check if the task was finished. ✅