
Reduction of word repetition in NMT

Primary LanguagePython

Reduction of word repetition

The work is done during a 5-month internship at Systran under the supervision of Josep Crego

The training corpus is omitted, you can download the corpus on your own.

First train a tokenizer over the training corpus, e.g. we've done this by a BPE tokenizer from OpenNMT-Tokenizer(pyonmttok)

  1. baseline model: run run.sh and then infer.sh, we get a trained baseline model and baseline translation.
  2. inference with penalization, use the same checkpoint of baseline model and run infer_rep_penalty_only.sh, we get a penalized translation with reduced word repetition
  3. training with penalization, run run_rep_penalty.sh and then infer_rep_penalty.sh, we get a model trained with penalization and inference normally(without penalization like 2), we also get a penalized translation with reduced word repetition.
  4. evaluation: compute BLEU score with sacrebleu and word repetition times with wordrep in this repo

The training and inference is preferred to run on a GPU.

ENV configuration

We recommend you use conda/mamba to manage the environment, e.g. run

micromamba env create -f mini-trans.yml
micromamba activate mini-trans
pip install -r requirements.txt

Implementation on top of the template written by Guillaume Klein Below are the original readme file.

Transformer training with PyTorch

This repository contains an example of Transformer training with PyTorch. While the code is quite minimal, the training is faster than OpenNMT-tf and models can reach a similar accuracy.

The code implements:

  • pre-norm Transformer
  • gradient accumulation
  • mixed precision training
  • multi-GPU training
  • checkpoint averaging
  • beam search decoding

The default parameters are mostly copied from the Scaling NMT paper.


pip install -r requirements.txt



python3 train.py --src train.en.tok --tgt train.de.tok --src_vocab vocab.en --tgt_vocab vocab.de --save_dir checkpoints/

For multi-GPU training, use --num_gpus N.

Vocabularies that work with OpenNMT-tf also work here. If you are building your own vocabulary, make sure that it meets the following requirements:

  • must have one token per line (no token frequencies or other annotations)
  • must start with a padding token (use <blank> or <pad>)
  • must contain the tokens <s> and </s>
  • may contain the token <unk> (if not present, the token is automatically added in the training)

Average checkpoints

python3 average.py checkpoints/ --output averaged_checkpoint.pt

Run inference

python3 beam_search.py --ckpt averaged_checkpoint.pt --src_vocab vocab.en --tgt_vocab vocab.de < test.en.tok