
Bitcoin node status and stats: a Django web app

Primary LanguagePython


A basic Bitcoin node status and statistics web application.

Based on Django, python-bitcoinlib, D3js, and bootstrap.
Requires Python 3.3+.




  • Current node status overview
  • Charts of peer count, upload and download history
  • Save node status snapshots at given time intervals to a sqlite database

Installation (Linux)

Download and Install

Get the code and enter the project directory,

$ git clone https://github.com/bartromgens/bitcoinnodestats.git
$ cd bitcoinnodestats

Install in a local environment (creates a Python 3 virtualenv and a sqlite database),
$ ./install.sh

Schedule status snapshots (cronjob)

Create a cronjob to record node status every n minutes,
$ crontab -e
To create a status record every hour, add the following line and replace the placeholders with your project location,
0 * * * * source /home/<user>/<projectdir>/env/bin/activate && python /home/<user>/<projectdir>/manage.py runcrons > /home/<user>/<projectdir>/cronjob.log 2>&1
Warning: you may need to define SHELL=/bin/bash at the top of your crontab for the command to work.

Please create a ticket if you have any problems with the installation.


Run the simple Django web server (not for production) for a given IP and port,
$ ./run.sh

Visit in your browser to view your node stats.
Note that it will takes some time before enough data is stored for the charts.


bitcoinnodestats/local_settings.py contains some local settings that you may want or need to change if you run it on a production server.

BITCOIN_CONF_FILE is the location of your 'bitcoin.conf', only needed if it is not in the default location.

DEBUG should be set to False on a production server.