
Agent-based COVID-19 model developed in NetLogo as a dissertation project for the MSc Big Data at University of Stirling

Primary LanguageNetLogo

TO-DO list from code review

  • Assign asymptomatic prevalence by age range, like probability of death Done following Chang et al., i.e. ~13% sym in children (<=18) and ~67% sym in adults (>18). We may have to add more references for that, and maybe even raise asym infectiousness to 30% like Chang et al. does
  • Add protection-compliance to determine what percentage of agents adopts personal protection
  • Reduce the risk of exposure from agents with personal protection, like for asymptomatics - this implies that PP needs to be extended to all breeds
  • Add an isolation-compliance-traced for traced contacts
  • Ensure naming convention is consistent (e.g. test-coverage-sym instead of sym-test-coverage)
  • Turn isoltion-threshold into isolation-sym-threhsold to specify measure
  • Introduce separate isolation duration for contacts vs symptomatics
  • Find better name for imported-infection (maybe unusual-infection or extraneous-infection)
  • Expand countdown names (iso-countdown to isolation-countdown etc.)
  • Add a neighbours-met-per-day slider and make it so that each agent only interacts with that fixed percentage of their neighbourhood every tick
  • Test possible ways to only record contacts from x days before
  • ^ Figure out what to do with the contact history once active cases dip below the threshold
  • Test using an external file to set age ranges, their prevalence, and relative asymptomatic percentages and risk of death -> in progress, however this could be very difficult to do in a clean way (e.g. would have to read the number of lines in csv to figure out how many brackets there are etc.) and may be more trouble than it's worth
  • Move threshold calculation from setup-globals to modify-measures so that the threshold is updated as agents die (or could there be a way to only do this when agents die?)
  • Introduce an agentset called todays-contacts to slim up the process of counting and recording contacts, and exposing susceptibles. This would be a subset of the neighbours that an agent actually made contact with. The count of contacts would then just be the sum of agentset counts / 2 and would ensure that if an agent is only interacting with a percentage of its neighbourhood, that the agents chosen are consistent throughout a tick.
  • Find a name for the random duration of the period between incubation and development of symptoms
  • Change contact lists to agentsets
  • Instead of using a random p value and comparing it to the parameter value, use n-of where n is the number of agents calculated from the % compliance for that measure (e.g. lockdown or shielding) (doesn't support floats, left old system in place)
  • Explain to the user that the order of procedures in modify-measures is critical to ensure that lockdown and shielding don't release agents that are being isolated for other reasons (i.e. isolation of symptomatics and test and trace)
  • Make the isolate procedure less convoluted
  • Prevent the while loop of the normal distribution from looping infinitely
  • Ensure that symptomatics who finish isolation before recovering don't start a new course of isolation due to isolation of symptomatics
  • Make infectiousness of asymptomatics a global parameter
  • Make infectiousness of symptomatics with masks a global parameter (Not necessary, it's regulated by protection strength)
  • Change wording of extraneous to exogenous
  • Change reporters on infections and deaths to use the csv-data (change name to pop-data) to store and retrieve the counts

Implementation summary

Week 1


  • Added a num-contacts plot to keep track of the total number of contacts over time
  • Implemented initial SEIR model, adding exposed people in-between susceptibles and infecteds


  • Exposed people can now infect others
  • Removed people now lose immunity after 30-35 days
  • Updated contact counts to include exposeds
  • Infecteds are now removed either with probability p-remove or after a certain number of ticks
  • Infected people have a chance to become dead instead of removed
  • Added sliders to control the range of infection, removal and immunity countdowns
  • Temporarely removed the option for susceptibles to be aware of surrounding removeds
  • Changed cyan indicator for lockdown into black outline

Week 2


  • Found sources that indicated an initial probability of infection of 20%


  • Reintroduced option for susceptibles to be aware of surrounding removeds
  • Implemented log-normal distribution for incubation period, mean and stdev as global variables
  • Found sources that indicated an average probability of death of ~2%
  • Adjusted initial probability of infection to 30% to account for other sources


  • Implemented poisson distribution for loss of immunity countdown, mean to be varied in simulations
  • Implemented normal distribution for recovery countdown, with absolute result to prevent negative durations
  • Implemented imposed lockdown threshold with strictness level parameter, removed risk awareness and awareness neighbourhood systems
  • Removed all contact weighing


  • Created variables list
  • Implemented control measures to reduce probability of transmission triggered after first lockdown, with effectiveness parameter
  • Implemented an option to open the system, allowing susceptibles to be infected by outside sources depending on travel strictness when not into lockdown

Week 3


  • Implemented two separate start/end lockdown procedures to ensure stable percentages of quarantined population and help readability
  • Impemented three age ranges, 0-29, 30-59, and 60+, assigned to people based on demographics of the UK population
  • Implemented modified probability of death depending on age range, 0.6x for under 30 and 5.1x for over 60


  • Created github repo
  • Changed global variable probabilities from decimals to integers for ease of understanding
  • Separated recurring processed into dedicated procedures


  • Added a minimum value for duration of recovery equal to mean - stdev, unless that value is below 0, in which case the minimum is 1 day


  • Implemented pareto distribution for variation of initial contact neighbourhood size, i.e. z-contact-ini, with alpha = 2
  • Added two possible methods to ensure the minimum value for initial contact neighbourhood is equal to the value of z-contact-min
  • Changed naming convention of exposeds into latents, as they are infectious but not yet symptomatic
  • Created a separate countdown for infecteds that will die instead of recover, as the mean duration of infection is different between these two categories
  • Created asymptomatic breed, not yet integrated in the model


  • Implemented isolation for infected individuals, currently with isolation-strictness % of people isolating for iso-countdown-max days, and the rest isolating for half that time (applies after first lockdown)
  • Changed already-locked? variable to currently-locked? for clarity
  • Integrated asymptomatic infecteds in the model, who behave exactly like infecteds but with no isolation option

Week 4


  • Fixed the distribution of isolation duration for infected individuals
  • Set up a test experiment for headless running and distributed processing
  • Renamed infecteds to symptomatics and removeds to recovereds
  • Removed possibility of death for asymptomatic infecteds
  • Reduced infectiousness of asymptomatic infecteds by only counting 10% of the actual asymptomatic agents in the contact radius


  • Set up a test0 experiment for testing with Condor cluster
  • Started commenting model code


  • Set up tests for different world sizes
  • Finished commenting code
  • Various naming and procedure fixes


  • Decoupled the lockdown and control measures options, so that each can be switched on independently from the other
  • Added a number of contacts variable to report during tests


  • Added reporters for age of deads to use in tests
  • Edited tests to find an ideal world size between 100x100 and 500x500

Week 5


  • Changed initial-inf and lockdown-threshold from absolute values to population percentages to help scaling during world size tests
  • Changed initial infecteds from symptomatics to latents
  • Renamed modify-p-infect? as control-measures? for clarity
  • Decoupled isolation of symptomatics from lockdown, now isolation begins above a threshold and continues indefinitely. Note: fix occurence agents recover before the end of isolation period and continue isolating indefinitely (happens when lockdown off but isolation on)
  • Added separate thresholds for lockdown, control measures, and isolation of symptomatics


  • Created experiments for extremes validation


  • Fixed contacts number bug where a spike in contacts happened before second lockdown
  • Changed contact variable names from E for exposeds to L for latents


  • Cleaned up and updated R visualisation script


  • Implemented full test and trace, applied to the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic infecteds with probability test-coverage, and to symptomatics with probability symp-test-coverage, with contacts isolating in the same fashion as the isolate-symptomatics? procedure

Week 6


  • Changed visualisation to use number of cases against threshold to determine whether lockdown is on instead of number of isolated agents


  • Implemented shelter in place system for agents in the 60+ range
  • Designed experiments for testing different combinations of control measures
  • Reintroduced count of locked agents as a reporter

Week 7


  • Renamed R script to base_vis
  • Streamlined R script options so only first line has to be changed


  • Created an R script to streamline visualisation of varying parameter experiments


  • Changed wording of shelter-at-risk mechanism to shield-at-risk to be more coherent with UK terminology
  • Added reporters of number of infecteds by age


  • Edited script for visualisation of varying parameter experiments to support two varying parameters by using a heatmap instead of a line chart
  • Changed the name of the mechanic describing the use of masks/social distancing/hand washing from control measures to personal protection

Week 8


  • Added code to create the classic breeds plot for vary-type experiments as well


  • Added caption line for number of deaths in the first year and total number of infections (where available)


  • Fixed wrong caption


  • Added a switch to turn off loss of immunity for runs not involving that mechanic
  • Fixed a bug where contacts would keep isolating indefinitely since the isolation check only kicked in above the threshold
  • Restored Exposed breed instead of Latent, made them non-infectious
  • Renamed shield-at-risk as shield-vulnerable
  • Changed breed progression so that E become A right before the end of their incubation period, then they can either remain A until recovery, or become I after a few ticks and progress from there

Week 9

  • Added a visualisation for the log of cases vs time to analyse the effect of varying p-inf-init
  • Fixed the random number generators to include floats, this will ensure that float parameters (especially those between 0 and 1) actually work instead of just effectively being 0

Week 10

  • Fixed a bug that did not exclude isolated susceptibles from travelling, now only susceptibles with z-contant higher than 0 can be infected by the travel mechanic
  • Added and fixed comments
  • Ensured all measures could operate independently of one another

Week 11 onwards: write-up and minor code fixes



  • Added profiler button to test speed of different procedures
  • Changed count-contacts system for a faster one that does not separate different types of contats, but simply counts all contacts per tick
  • Changed system regulating agent neighbourhood: instead of checking agents within n-radius every time it's necessary, each agent is now assigned an agentset of "neighbours" at setup based on their radius, which is interrogated when necessary. Instead of z-contact-init and z-contact, now the agent has a simple boolean that flags them as isolating or not
  • In modify-measures, number of cases is now only checked once at the beginning instead of at every measure
  • Optimised logical checks for lockdown and isolation of symptomatics to skip code where possible
  • Fixed shield-vulnerable mechanic, as it re-interrogated S agents over 60 at each tick instead of only when the threshold is first surpassed, leading to a change in which agents were shielding every tick. Now agents are only interrogated at first, and ALL over 60 are isolated, not just susceptibles
  • Ensured all isolation checks depend on "isolated?" flag and not agent shape anymore, to prepare for a version of the model that can toggle off visual elements to speed up headless simulations (not fully implemented yet)
  • Updated check-isolation to ensure 60+ agents who leave isolation for other reasons don't get released if shielding is in progress, not only if a lockdown is happening
  • Updated variables list accordingly

Refer to commits for further updates