
Music Classifier based on Random Forest

Primary LanguagePython

Music Сlassifier (MusiCl)


Script for music classification made as a part of a Python project in the Bioinformatics Institute in 2021.

The script based on Random Forest Classificator and is able to recognize following genres:

  • Country music
  • Pop music
  • Hip-hop music
  • Rock music
  • Metal
  • Classical music
  • Electro


usage: musicl.py [-h] [-v] path

positional arguments:
  path           path to song

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show version


  • librosa==0.8.0
  • ffmpeg==1.4
  • matplotlib==3.4.1
  • numpy==1.20.2
  • pandas==1.2.4
  • prettytable==2.1.0
  • scikit-learn==0.24.1


Aleksey Ermolaev, Katerina Danko, Daria Andreeva, Evgenia Khokhlova, Aleksandr Andreev, Daniil Panshin