
Scrapes multiple court pages using scrapy.

Primary LanguagePython


Scrapes multiple court pages using scrapy.

To start clone this repo into the ide of your choice. I recommend running this in a python virtual environment. This can be done using virtualenv or the virtual environment library of your choice.

To start a virtual environment using virtualenv type these commands in your terminal. To instantiate your environment...

virtualenv venv

To activate it...

. venv/bin/activate

install the necessary packages by using

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

to run the program...

make sure that you cd into the scrapy directory person_case

cd person_case

once you are in, run the command

scrapy crawl cases

use this command to see a visual of the data that was pulled

scrapy crawl cases -O sample.json

Important in order to adjust data timeframe traverse into the directory legalist_assesment_scrapy/person_case/person_case/spiders/scraper_1.py and edit the variables start and end found in the list comprehension start_urls in line 8. NOTE: dates MUST be in DD-MON-YYYY format

start_urls = ["https://courtconnect.courts.delaware.gov/cc/cconnect/ck_public_qry_cpty.cp_personcase_srch_details?backto=P&soundex_ind=&partial_ind=checked&last_name={i}&last_name={i}&first_name=&middle_name=&begin_date={start}&end_date={end}&case_type=ALL&id_code=&PageNo=1".format(i=x,start="08-AUG-2022",end="09-AUG-2022") for x in abc]


I kept things minimal for this scraper and used only scrapy for the entire piepline. scrapy retrieved, parsed, and relayed the information to the sqlite3 file myData_1.db that is output once the program finishes running.