
Paragraph boxes, framed boxes and table packages for the SILE typesetting system

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


license Luacheck Luarocks

This package collection for the SILE typesetting system provides struts, paragraph boxes (parbox), framed boxes (framebox) and tables (ptable).

The two first are building blocks:

  • In professional typesetting, a “strut” is a rule with no width but a certain height and depth, to help guaranteeing that an element has a certain minimal height and depth, e.g. in tabular environments or in boxes.
  • A paragraph box (“parbox”) is an horizontal box (so technically an “hbox”) that contains, as its name implies, one or more paragraphs (so the displayed content is actually made of vertical glues and boxes)

Tables are what you would expect.


As the name implies, framed boxes are horizontal content framed in a nice box. The package offers various interesting options and goodies.

framed boxes


These packages require SILE v0.14.13 or upper.

Installation relies on the luarocks package manager.

To install the latest version, you may use the provided “rockspec”:

luarocks install ptable.sile

(Refer to the SILE manual for more detailed 3rd-party package installation information.)


Examples are provided in the examples folder.

The in-code package documentation may also be useful. A readable version of the documentation is included in the User Manual for the resilient.sile collection of classes and packages.


All SILE-related code and samples in this repository are released under the MIT License, (c) 2021-2023 Omikhleia.