
Microsoft Bot Builder for Node.js examples using TypeScript

MIT LicenseMIT


Bot Builder for Node.js examples using TypeScript are organized into groups and designed to illustrate the techniques needed to build great bots. To use the samples clone our GitHub repository using Git.

Build and Run from Source

  1. Install a recent version of NodeJS
  2. Checkout the code and install dependencies
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/alertbox/bot-examples-ts
cd bot-examples-ts
  1. Compile and run example
cd basics-waterfall
npm install
npm start
  1. Install the Bot Emulator
  2. Play with the bot example

Basic Techniques

These examples show the basics techniques needed to build a great bot. All the examples written using TypeScript and can be executed from Bot Emulator.

Example Description
hello-echo A simple echo bot for the Microsoft Bot Framework.
basics-waterfall Shows how to use a waterfall to prompt the user with a series of questions.
basics-menus Shows how to create a simple menu system for a bot.


If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see the documentation How to Contribute, which covers the followings;

  • How to build and run from source
  • Coding guidelines
  • Submitting pull requests

This project has adopted the Open Source Code of Conduct of Alertbox Inc. For more information, contact alertbox.inc@gmail.com with any additional questions and comments.


Related Projects

For a complete list, please see the Microsoft Bot Builder Examples on Github repo.


Copyright (c) Alertbox Inc. All rights reserved. License under the MIT License.