
Cocktails 🍸 ordering backend API demo code for minimal API with CQRS pattern using ASP.NET Web API.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Skol Monolithic Web API (Backend)

This Cocktails 🍸 ordering backend API code demonstrates developing a minimal API with CQRS pattern for ASP.NET Web API.

Originally, Skol is the Swedish way of saying 🍻 Cheers!

What's included:

  • Uses .NET 5.0 as target framework
  • Uses Top-level Class, Minimal Hosting, Record types, et al.
  • Uses ASP.NET Core for the RESTful Web API
  • Uses API Versioning, REST Convensions, et al.
  • Uses Seed Data for EF Core InMemory database
  • Uses DbContext for the Unit of Work and repository pattern
  • Uses Mediatr for Publisher/Subscriber pattern
  • Uses Onion Architecture for solution structure and layers
  • Uses REST Client extension for trying out the api endpoints from VS Code
  • Built with Visual Studio 2019 for Mac
  • Configured to build and run from the VS Code tasks
  • Configured to build and run from Remote - Container found in @kosalanuwan/devcontainers


  • Use of Mediatr Behavior for post process
  • Use of Global imports
  • Use of Web Application hosting for API.NET Web API
  • Use of Minimal API routes with versioning

Quick Start

If you want to fork or clone the repo locally, then open up the source code in a remote container.

# Clone with GitHub CLI
gh repo clone kosalanuwan/vscode-remote-try-skol-minimal-api
cd vscode-remote-try-skol-minimal-api

With VS Code:

# Run in watch mode
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet watch --project Services/Skol.Services.csproj run


Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint. No server certificate was specified, and the default developer certificate could not be found.

# Clean all HTTP developer certs
dotnet dev-certs https --clean
# Trust the cert on the current platform
dotnet dev-certs https -t

Useful Commands

# Create new projects
dotnet new classlib -n Skol.Domain -o Domain
dotnet new classlib -n Skol.Application -o Application
dotnet new classlib -n Skol.Infrastructure -o Infrastructure
dotnet new webapi -n Skol.Services -o Services
# Update .vscode/tasks.json > watch > command > Path to starter project.
# Add project-to-project (P2P) references
dotnet add Services/ reference Application/ Infrastructure/
dotnet add Application/ reference Domain/
dotnet add Infrastructure/ reference Application/
# Create a solution file and add projects
dotnet new sln -n Skol
dotnet sln add Domain/ Infrastructure/ Application/ Services/
# Add NuGet packages for Application
cd Application/
dotnet add package MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 
# Add NuGet packages for Infrastructure
cd Infrastructure/
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory
# Add NuGet packages for Versioning the API
cd Services/
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspnetCore.Mvc.Versioning --prerelease