
A character sheet application for DnD 5E

Primary LanguagePython

This is an application to create, import, and manage character sheets for the tabletop RPG Dungeons and Dragons

But, why?

I wrote a full post on my website with some initial design thoughts. Quoting the problem statement:

It’s often very clunky and manually taxing to manage a Roll20 character sheet. Especially for first timers, it can be downright challenging. It also adds a lot of mental overhead from switching back and forth and reviewing the rule sheet. There are a lot of rules and nuance in DnD to track, and experiences like leveling up a character can be intensely cumbersome. If there was a way to automatically manage some of these rules in the background (perhaps with RAW defaults at first, then find ways to make those configurable), it would significantly alleviate the overhead in creating and managing a new character for all players, especially new players.