Camel example: S3 -> Kinesis -> Back to Camel

This project shows how to wire S3 and Kinesis by reading a CSV file from some S3 bucket, reading every line and then sending a corresponding JSON to Kinesis.

How to run it

./gradlew bootRun -Pargs=--aws.access-key=<AWS ACCESS KEY> --aws.secret-key=<AWS SECRET KEY> --aws.region=<AWS REGION> --s3.bucket=<AWS SOURCE BUCKET NAME><AWS KINESIS STREAM NAME>

Once the project starts up, if the credentials are correct and the bucket exists, Apache Camel will be waiting for a file on the bucket. This code has been written expecting a CSV file like the one contained in (src/main/resources/csv)[src/main/resources/csv]. Should you want to update it to your own needs (and you will surely want to), you will need to change the class Record and the function toJSON that is contained in the bottom of the file Routes.kt.