This repository contains the source classes to be used in DeepSee, InterSystem's Business Intelligence platform:
The source class parse the most frequent names in the 1990's in the U.S. The data is extracted from this page from the US census:
After cloning this repository, the classes, the pivot and dashboard can be imported as usual using Studio or Atelier, or from terminal as follows:
Set path="\<path-to-local-files>"
Write $system.OBJ.Load(path_"NamesUS.cls","cf")
Write $system.OBJ.Load(path_"NamesUSCube.cls","cf")
Do ##class(%DeepSee.UserLibrary.Utils).%Import(path_"NamesUS.pivot.DFI",1)
Do ##class(%DeepSee.UserLibrary.Utils).%Import(path_"NamesUS.dashboard.DFI",1)
If your instance does not support UDL formatting please use the .xml files in the xml directory.
To generate data based on the name frequency in the 1990s in the US and to build the DeepSee cube please run:
Do ##class(Ale.NamesUS).GenerateData()
Do ##class(%DeepSee.Utils).%BuildCube("NamesUS")
Screenshot of the "NamesUS" dashboard: