
My mezzanine-based site including blog and online resume

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


My mezzanine-based site and blog

Alt Text

Theme adapted from thecodinghouse/mezzanine-themes


System requirements

Make sure you have standard Python, MySQL, and Django libraries installed on your system. This should work for linux:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
pip install django
pip install mysql-python


Create a virtual environment and install from requirements.txt:

python -m pip install --user virtualenv
cd ~/virtualenv
virtualenv Mezzanine
source Mezzanine/bin/activate
(Mezzanine)>pip install -r requirements.txt

Database: postgreSQL or mySQL

The Mezzanine/settings.py file contains, among other settings, the database used for this project. Replace Mezzanine/settings.py with one of these files using postgreSQL, SQLite, mySQL, mySQL in pythonanywhere, respectively:


Setup postgreSQL or mySQL. For postgreSQL:

sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser admin
sudo -u postgres psql   #log in psql interface
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mezzanine;
postgres=# CREATE USER amarin WITH PASSWORD 'database password';
postgres=# ALTER USER admin WITH PASSWORD 'new_password'; #Change password if you forgot it
postgres=# \q

For mySQL:

sudo mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE mezzanine_mysql;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'amarin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'database password';
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'amarin'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('new_password'); #Change password if you forgot it
mysql> \q


There are some settings you might want to change in the Mezzanine/settings.py file. Two obvious ones are the default user in the DATABASES dictionary (I have amarin, it should match the one you set up in the previous steps for postgreSQL), and the email address (check the EMAIL_* variables).

Before launching, export environment variables for SECRET_KEY, PASSWORD, and (optionally) EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD:

export SECRET_KEY='my secret key'
export PASSWORD='database password'
export EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='gmail password'

Running locally

Import my data to mySQL:

mysql -u amarin -p mezzanine_mysql < Mezzanine/mezzanine_mysql_dump.sql

Import my data to postgreSQL:

python manage.py loaddata resume/fixtures/data.json

Test on a local server

python manage.py runserver


Export site and blog data from mysql:

mysqldump -u amarin -p mezzanine_mysql > Mezzanine/mezzanine_mysql_dump.sql

Import DB after synchronizing git in pythonanywhere

mysql -u amarin -h amarin.mysql.pythonanywhere-services.com -p 'amarin$mezzanine_mysql' < Mezzanine/mezzanine_mysql_dump.sql