python3.11 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Participating in the Portfolio Game can give you an opportunity to skip the Test (lectures). The rules are simple.
- The game is founded on the basic Markowitz's model from 1952.
- You start with 100 PLN ( fictitious 😊 )
- There are 20 assets, and the historical data on their prices is provided (
- The game consists of three rounds.
- Consider round no. 1. The data for T ∈ [−1,0] is known (see the first illustration). Regarding datasets, T = −1 corresponds to the zeroeth (counting from zero) data point, while T = 0 to the 100th. Your task is to predict prices for T = +1 (200th data point) and approximate the problem's Pareto front. Then, you have to select one solution that is the most relevant to your preferences. Then, send me a brief report that includes info on your predictions, constructed Pareto front (visualizations), the selected solution, and the justification of such a selection (refer to your predictions on prices). The result must be sent before the deadline and in the proper format (the deadlines are listed on the eKursy system; If you miss the deadline, you are excluded from the game!). After the deadline passes, I will reveal the data for T ∈ (0,+1] (100th-200th data points) and update your fictitious cash according to the true assets' prices.
- The game continues for the next two rounds in a similar fashion (predictions for T = +2 and +3). Every time one step is done, I will upload the next bundle file.
- Note that the weights must sum to 1. That is, it is assumed that every time you resell all your shares.
- Important: For every round: Apart from a brief report (pdf) send a *.txt file describing your solution, which will allow me to automatize the process of updating your cash.
The file should have the following form:
- Filename: StudentID1_StudentID2.txt (or StudentID.txt in the case of working alone).
- There should be exactly one line consisting of several fields separated by spaces (use dots, not commas, for separating integers from fractions):
- FIELD_1 = expected total return
- FIELD_2 = expected total risk
- FIELDS_3–22 should be the weights
Example: 124.53 74.11 0.23 0.11 0.02 …. (and so on)
IMPORTANT NOTE: the weights should be provided in the following order of assets:
1 | SuperFuture |
2 | Apples |
3 | WorldNow |
4 | Electronics123 |
5 | Photons |
6 | SpaceNow |
7 | PearPear |
8 | PositiveCorrelation |
9 | BetterTechnology |
10 | ABCDE |
11 | EnviroLike |
12 | Moneymakers |
13 | Fuel4 |
14 | MarsProject |
15 | CPU-XYZ |
16 | RoboticsX |
17 | Lasers |
18 | WaterForce |
19 | SafeAndCare |
20 | BetterTomorrow |
- If, in the end, you have less than 100 PLN, you can have 3.0 for the lecture.
- Otherwise, you may treat your grade attained during laboratories as your final grade for the lecture.
Important: In your reports, you have to justify your decisions. That is, you cannot send random weight vectors hoping to avoid the Test 😊