
Serial Tunnel Utility: A modular Go-based application for managing multiple serial devices.

Primary LanguageGo

Serial Tunnel Utility

The Serial Tunnel Utility is a Go application designed to act as a proxy/gateway between a number of serial devices. It supports the creation of multiple tunnels, where a tunnel consists of connected Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and one Data Communication Equipment (DCE). The utility provides a flexible and configurable way to manage serial communication.


Multiple Serial Devices: Configure and manage multiple DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and one DCE (Data Communication Equipment) devices.

Tunnel Configuration: Define tunnels that connect a set of DTEs with a single DCE, facilitating communication between them.

Escape Sequence: Utilize a special escape sequence emitted by DTEs to redirect the traffic to a monitoring channel. Only the DTE that emits the escape sequence is redirected, while other devices in the same tunnel continue normal operation.

Text Interface Monitor: Access a text interface monitor that allows configuration changes, both local and system-wide. System-wide configuration includes defining physical interfaces, roles (DTE or DCE), and specifying the number and composition of tunnels.

Getting Started


  • Go installed on your machine.


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/alessandrocarminati/serial_tunnel.git

Change into the project directory:

cd serial_tunnel

Build the application:

go build

Run the application:



Create a JSON configuration tunnel.json to define the serial devices and tunnels. See the example configuration.

    "serial": [
        {"id": 0, "description": "Pippo",      "device": "/dev/ttyS0", "speed": 9600, "parity": 0, "stop": 0, "bits": 8 },
        {"id": 1, "description": "Pluto",      "device": "/dev/ttyS1", "speed": 9600, "parity": 0, "stop": 0, "bits": 8 },
        {"id": 2, "description": "Paperino",   "device": "/dev/ttyS2", "speed": 9600, "parity": 0, "stop": 0, "bits": 8 },
        {"id": 3, "description": "Gastone",    "device": "/dev/ttyS3", "speed": 9600, "parity": 0, "stop": 0, "bits": 8 },
        {"id": 4, "description": "Clarabella", "device": "/dev/ttyS4", "speed": 115200, "parity": 0, "stop": 0, "bits": 8 }
    "tunnel": [
        {"id": 0, "description": "primo", "DTE": [0, 1], "DCE": 2, "EscapeChar1": 13, "EscapeChar2": 65 },
        {"id": 1, "description": "primo", "DTE": [3], "DCE": 4, "EscapeChar1": 13, "EscapeChar2": 65 }

NOTE: IDs are numeric and must be progrssive numbers starting from 0