
Repository for "Android in the Middle", an Android application made as a personal project/study project for the Cybersecurity course at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

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Repository for "Android in the Middle", an Android application made as a personal project/study project for the Cybersecurity course at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

This application was used to analyze several other Android messaging apps and assess their security features regarding protection from sniffing.

Here you can access the complete report (in italian - sorry!), while below you can find a very short summary of the results.

What was checked for each messaging app:

a) Filter rules, i.e. how to filter the specific traffic (specific port(s), packet fingerprint, AS Number...)
b) Are messages transmitted in clear text? [Victim, Contact]
c) Are files transmitted in clear text? Which types? [Victim, Contact]
d) Are "Personal Status", avatar etc. transmitted in clear? [Victim, Contact]
e) Are there any constant IDs transmitted in clear (something to link an user to a specific id)? [Victim, Contact]
f) Are there any metadata in plan text?
g) Does the app accepts self-signed certificate?
h) Number of downloads
i) App version 
j) Link

Analyzed Messaging Apps:

1) Whatsapp
    a) cidr (https://www.whatsapp.com/cidr.txt), port 80 443 4244 5222 5223 5228 5242 
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No (https://www.whatsapp.com/security/WhatsApp-Security-Whitepaper.pdf)
    g) No
    h) 1-5 billion
    i) 2.16.193 (30/09/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whatsapp

2) Telegram
    a) AS62041
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 100-500 millions
    i) 3.12.0 (30/09/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.telegram.messenger

3) Mxit
    a) port 9119 9229
    b) Yes, both
    c) Yes, images, both
    d) Yes, both
    e) Yes, both
    f) Yes, Victim's phone number (ms), both complete profile (gender, full name, relationship, lastmodified, birthdate...)
    g) No encryption at all
    h) 1-5 millions
    i)  (01/09/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mxit.android

4) VK
    a) AS47541
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 100-500 millions
    i) 4.4.1 (01/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vkontakte.android

5) VK Chat
    a) AS47541, fields "host" contains "api.vk.com"
    b) Yes, both (check URL parameters)
    c) Yes images, both; map location, both; document, Contact
    d) Yes (Also typing), both
    e) Yes (sender uid, both), https://vk.com/id[UID] to identify the user
    f) Yes (act
       access_token => OAuth2 access tokens 
       sig ) (https://vk.com/dev/methods for full description), user position (geographical coordinates),
    g) No encryption at all
    h) 1-5 millions
    i) 1.2 (15/07/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.st1ng.vk

6) QQ
    a) *.qq.com, port 80 8080 8000 15000
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) Yes (account ID, Victim)
    f) No
    g) No HTTPS
    h) 10-50 millions
    i) 5.9.7 (30/09/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tencent.mobileqq

7) textPlus
    a) *.app.nextplus.me (mhs.app.nextplus.me md.app.nextplus.me ums.app.nextplus.me ces.app.nextplus.me vhs.app.nextplus.me xmpp.app.nextplus.me) *pic.nextplus.me ads.nexage.com, port 443 80
    b) No
    c) No
    d) Yes (During change of profile picture, is possible to see the link of the img, Victim)
    e) No
    f) No
    g) Yes, partially (unable to open the app when using a fake cert, but if the cert is provided during a chat session it's possible to completly sniff the communication, except for the images sent/received. Probabily the cert isn't checked for the domain xmpp.app.nextplus.me).
    h) 10-50 millions
    i) 6.2.1 (01/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gogii.textplus

8) Talkray
    a) *.amazonaws.com, port 8576 443
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 10-50 millions
    i) 3.134 (04/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.talkray.client

9) BBM
    a) *.blackberry.net, port 443
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 100-500 millions
    i) (03/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bbm

   10) Instagram
    a) *.fbcdn.net *.facebook.com, port 443
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 1-5 billion
    i) 9.4.5 (03/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.instagram.android
   11) Yahoo Messenger
    a) AS26101 (maybe only gw1.iris.vip.bf1.yahoo.com gw.iris.vip.bf1.yahoo.com ct1.ycs.vip.deb.yahoo.net), port 443
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 50-100 millions
    i) 2.2.0 (04/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yahoo.mobile.client.android.im
   12) Maaii
    a) *.amazonaws.com, port 443; http host cds-gateway.aviary.com
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) Yes, apiKey contentGroup osVersion platform resolution sdkVersion versionKey signature (see traffico_interessante.txt)
    g) No
    h) 1-5 millions
    i) (20/06/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maaii.maaii
   13) GroupMe
    a) api.groupme.com *.amazonaws.com, port 443
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 10-50 millions
    i) 5.6.1 (04/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.groupme.android
   14) KakaoTalk
    a) AS45991 AS10158
    b) No (LOCO protocol)
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 100-500 millions
    i) 5.8.5 (04/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kakao.talk
   15) Nimbuzz
    a) AS51089, port 80 5222; HTTP "Host: nimbuzz.com.s3.amazonaws.com"; *.amazonaws.com, port 443
    b) No (uses XMPP protocol with TLS encryption for text)
    c) Yes (HTTP for sending/receiving images, videos, contacts VCARD, audio file and message, both)
    d) Yes (Avatar transmitted in clear text, both)
    e) Yes (when changing avatar user id, Victim; when sending image/video/contact/audio, both; when contacting ads provider mobileads.nimbuzz.com (user id), Victim; when another user changes his avatar (user id and avatar), contact) 
    f) Yes, image/video/contact filename (as found in the device), audio file path (as found in the device), user position (geographic coordinates) when logging in
    g) No
    h) 10-50 millions
    i) 4.6.0 (05/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nimbuzz
   16) Hike
    a) *.amazonaws.com, port 443
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) Not in clear text, but you can build HTTP requests to stalk your Hike friends and check if a number is on Hike and with which username (check traffico_interessante.txt)
    g) Yes; using a self-signed certificate, everything is readable (messages, images, files, VCARD, audio, video)
    h) 50-100 millions
    i) (05/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bsb.hike
   17) Zalo
    a) ptr.vng.vn or AS38244, port 80 8080 3001 443
    b) No
    c) No
    d) Yes, Contact shared photo, Victim's friend avatar, victim's friend cover photo (uses HTTPS to change Victim's profile informations)
    e) Yes, Victim phone IMEI is transmitted in clear text
    f) Yes, Victim phone IMEI and model
    g) No
    h) 100-500 millions
    i) 3.1.2.r2 (06/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zing.zalo
   18) imo
    a) AS36131, port 443 5222 5223 5228
    b) No
    c) No
    d) No
    e) No
    f) No
    g) No
    h) 100-500 millions
    i) 9.8.000000003241 (06/10/2016)
    j) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imo.android.imoim


Dependencies needed to build the project(tested on Ubuntu 16.10 x64):

  • Android Studio 2.2.2
  • Android NDK 13b
  • SDK Tools 25
  • Gradle 2.2.2
  • libssl1.0.0

To generate an installable APK:

  1. Import the project in AndroidStudio
  2. Build => "Clean Project"
  3. Build => "Rebuild Project"
  4. Build => "Generate APK"


screen1 screen2 screen3 screen4 screen5 screen6 screen7


  • implement C/C++ code that continuosly read and parse packet from opened .pcap file using libpcap
  • compile tcpdump and iptables in order to support non-arm CPUs
  • use tshark instead of tcpdump
  • tcp proxy (modify packets on-the-fly)
  • use advanced https fingerprint (https://github.com/LeeBrotherston/tls-fingerprinting)
  • extract images, files etc.
  • add criteria to display particular set of packets
  • multiple sniffing