
Google Play Unofficial Python 3 API Library

Primary LanguagePython

Google Play Unofficial Python 3 API Library

Based on the original googleplay-api project by Emilien Girault: https://github.com/egirault/googleplay-api

An unofficial Python API that let you search, browse and download Android apps from Google Play (formerly Android Market).


This is not an official API. I am not afiliated with Google in any way, and am not responsible of any damage that could be done with it. Use it at your own risk.


You can install the required dependencies with pip (a requirements.txt file is provided for this purpose).


You must create a config.ini file before using the provided scripts (you can copy config.example.ini and modify the required fields). First, you need to provide your phone's androidID:

# Google Service Framework ID (GSF ID)
android_id = 1234567890ABCDEF

To get your androidID, use *#*#8255#*#* on your phone to start Gtalk Monitor. The hex string listed after aid is your androidID.

In order to authenticate to Google Play, you also need to provide either your Google login and password, or a valid Google Play Store token.


  • Get package details (description, permissions, price...)
  • Search for apps
  • List apps in (sub)categories
  • List apps similar to another app
  • List categories and subcategories
  • List reviews for a certain app
  • Download apks
  • Automatically throttle requests frequency to avoid server errors (Too Many Requests)
  • Results paging

Usage Examples

>>> googleplay_api.googleplay import GooglePlayAPI
>>> play_store = GooglePlayAPI(throttle=True)
>>> play_store.login()
>>> play_store.details("com.android.chrome")
>>> play_store.search("calculator app", maxResults=100)
>>> play_store.list("GAME_ARCADE", "apps_topselling_free")
>>> play_store.listSimilar("com.android.chrome")
>>> play_store.bulkDetails(["com.android.chrome", "org.mozilla.firefo"])
>>> play_store.getPages(play_store.search("calculator app"))
>>> play_store.browse("GAME_ARCADE")
>>> play_store.reviews("com.android.chrome")
>>> play_store.download("com.android.chrome", 307112552)

Check docstrings for more information.


This project is released under the BSD license.