
Amazon Forecast demo app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Forecast Demo App

This is an example application for demonstrating some of the features of the Amazon Forecast service. Despite this main purpose, AWS Amplify is also used to achieve an easy authorization method with the help of Amazon Cognito.

The application is composed by two different modules:

  1. backend: basically is a NodeJS Express server that deploys a couple of methods to be consumed by the frontend module. IMPORTANT NOTE: it uses AWS CLI because Amazon Forecast is in public preview and the AWS specific language libraries (AWS SDK) are not yet updated for it.
  2. frontend: this module is based on React to build the final webpage. It also uses AWS Amplify to have a simple integration with Amazon Cognito and force users to be registered before accesing the forecast results.

There is another flavour to test the service and it is the module frontend-sdk that uses AWS SDK to interact directly with AWS Services bypassing the backend module.