
Should the company invest in an expensive but profitable Marketing Campaign?

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Game theory is a branch of mathematics that helps to analyze and understand social interactions in which individuals compete with each other.

The program includes:

  • A full description of the game theory situation;
  • A python print table that presents the possible outcomes for all combinations;
  • A dictionary with points assigned to each possible outcome.
  • At least one nested conditional.
  • Ask the user if they want to play the game or not:
    • If yes, program will run a game between Python and the user
    • If no, program will run a game between 2 Python players;
  • The program controls any incorrect input from the user through conditional and loop statements;
  • Run the program between 2 Python players 5 times with loops. Save the results of each round and declare a winner; Final statement declaring the winner.