Leverage Uniform Normalization to perform XSS

Primary LanguagePython


Leverage Unicode Normalization to gain XSS

Install • Get Started • Examples

Install 💻

Use the requirements.txt file:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Get Started 📚

Usage: python3 UniXSS.py [input_payload] [optional_arguments]

positional arguments:
  input_text      The text to be transformed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --table         Print the character mapping table
  --only-special  Only process special characters

Examples 🔎

Perform UniCode Normalization

python3 UniXSS.py "<script>alert(1)</script>"

Perform UniCode Normalization and print the character mapping table

python3 UniXSS.py "<script>alert(1)</script>" --table

Perform UniCode Normalization, only applied to the payload's special characters

python3 UniXSS.py "<script>alert(1)</script>" --only-special

Perform UniCode Normalization and print the character mapping table, only on special characters

python3 UniXSS.py "<script>alert(1)</script>" --only-special --table