
my neovim setup - trying to keep it relatively minimal, but we'll see about that

Primary LanguageLua

neovim setup

My personal neovim setup. Trying to keep it minimal.

Copy lua.init into ~/.config/nvim/init.lua and make sure you have neovim installed. Then just enter neovim.


Note: leader is \

In normal mode:

  • \sf = [S]earch [F]iles
  • \sw = [S]earch current [W]ord
  • \sg = [S]earch by [G]rep
  • ,nt = toggle nvim tree
  • ,ev = edit my init.lua config
  • \c = comment line/selection
  • C = change root dir in nvim tree
  • K = Opens a popup that displays documentation about the word under your cursor
  • gd = go to definition (Ctrl-t to go back)
  • gr = go to references (Ctrl-t to go back)
  • Ctrl-q = move references to quicklist (THIS IS AWESOME!!)
  • Ctrl-k = move to next reference from quicklist
  • Ctrl-j = move to previous reference from quicklist
  • \l = highlight current line (useful for pair programming)
  • , = remove all highlighted lines (with \ll)
  • \u = toggle undo tree
  • \ee = insert golang if err snippet
  • \xx = toggle trouble plugin -> a nicer quicklist with diagnostics
  • ]t and [t = toggle between trouble list items (without manually going through the list - next and prev)

In insert mode:

  • ,e = Esc
  • Ctrl-f = scroll [f]orward in autocomplete docs
  • Ctrl-b = scroll [b]ack in autocomplete docs
  • \ee = insert golang if err snippet




Make sure you have goimports installed and the go bin path set into your .bashrc / .zshrc:

go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"' >> ~/.zshrc