
Useful material for Analysis part of the course 09BQXOA - Metodi Matematici per l’Ingegneria A.A. 2023/2024


Useful material for the Analysis part of both the course "Metodi Matematici per l’Ingegneria" (09BQXOA, A.A. 2023/2024) and the course "Mathematical methods for Computer Science" (01UROLM, A.A. 2023/24).

Exercise sessions schedule

Below is the schedule of exercise session for the Analysis section, including the date and the tutor for each session. If you encounter any issues attending a lecture on its scheduled date, you are welcome to join the corresponding lecture from another course section. The content covered in these alternate lectures will be more or less the same.

Date Topic Tutor Room
29/04/2024 10-11:30 Distribuzioni Alessio Melone 29B
06/05/2024 10-11:30 Distribuzioni Alessio Melone 29B
20/05/2024 10-11:30 Trasformata di Fourier Alessio Melone 29B
27/05/2024 10-11:30 Trasformata di Fourier Alessio Melone 29B
03/06/2024 10-11:30 Trasformata di Laplace Alessio Melone 29B
10/06/2024 10-11:30 Trasformata di Laplace Alessio Melone 29B
Date Topic Tutor Room
06/05/2024 8:30-10 Distributions (ENG) Nunzio Licalzi 4M
13/05/2024 8:30-10 Fourier Transform (ENG) Nunzio Licalzi 4M
20/05/2024 8:30-10 Laplace Transform (ENG) Nunzio Licalzi 4M
27/05/2024 8:30-10 Distribuzioni Nunzio Licalzi 4M
03/06/2024 8:30-10 Trasformata di Fourier Nunzio Licalzi 4M
10/06/2024 8:30-10 Trasformata di Laplace Nunzio Licalzi 4M

How to Contribute

Feel free to contribute by adding your notes or any useful materials you have encountered! If you would like to add to this repository, please fork the repo and submit a pull request, or open an issue with the "enhancements" tag.


For more information or if you encounter any issues, please open an issue on GitHub or contact the repository admin at alessio.melone@studenti.polito.it or the tutor nunzio.licalzi@studenti.polito.it .