
A colour wheel made all in SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwift

SwiftUI Colour Wheel

A colour wheel made all in SwiftUI.

There are 2 different colour wheels to choose from.

  • The first main one uses CIHueSaturationValueGradient CIFilter to draw itself, then uses RadialGradient and .blur to smooth it out. Named ColourWheel in code.
  • The second one uses SwiftUI's AngularGradient with all 360 hues to draw the gradient, then a RadialGradient and .blur to smooth it out. Named NewColourWheel in code.

If you would like to use the slider to change brightness/value, use ColourWheel, as NewColourWheel does not support setting value at this point in time.

They both interact the same and output in [Red, Green, Blue] or [Hue, Saturation].

