
Custom alert View to iOS applications

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Version License Platform

A simple, easy and custom iOS UIAlertView written in Swift

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Malert came to facilitates custom alert views as UIAlertViewController. Malert allows you to personalize your alertView so that it matches your application layout

Malert can display one or a queue of alerts and you can also display alert with some animations

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Xcode 9.0+
  • Swift 4.0+


  • Swift 3.x: 1.1.5
  • Swift 4: 2.0



Malert is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Malert"


If you don't use any dependency managers, you can integrate Malert in your project manually just adding the files which contains Malert Classes.

You will need to add Malert dependencies libraries as well.

Congratulations!!! You can run Malert without any dependency managers!


This is a simple example. If you want to know more, check the repo.

Default Malert with title

import Malert

    //Create Buttons
    let button1 = MalertButtonStruct(title: "title1") { 
        //Do something when click at button

    let button2 = MalertButtonStruct(title: "title2") {
        //Do something when click at button

    let button3 = MalertButtonStruct(title: "title3") {
        //Do something when click at button

    //Create Malert with title, custom view, buttons and animation type
    Malert.shared.show(viewController: self,
                       title: "title",
                       customView: test.instantiateFromNib(), 
                       buttons: [button1, button2, button3],
                       animationType: .modalLeft)

Default Malert without title

import Malert

    //Create Buttons
    let button1 = MalertButtonStruct(title: "title1") { 
        //Block will call when click on button

    let button2 = MalertButtonStruct(title: "title2") {
        //Block will call when click on button

    //Create Malert with custom view, buttons and animation type
    Malert.shared.show(viewController: self,
                       customView: myCustomView, 
                       buttons: [button1, button2], 
                       animationType: .modalLeft)

How to create buttons

Malert provides a struct to configure your button, for each button you need to instantiate MalertButtonStruct

    //Create button with default background color
    let button = MalertButtonStruct(title: "button with default background") {
        //Block will call when click on button
    //Create button with custom background color
    let button2 = MalertButtonStruct(title: "button with custom background", backgroundColor: .red) {
        //Block will call when click on button

You can customize a single button, passing MalertButtonConfiguration containing your custom configurations

    //Create configuration
    var btConfiguration = MalertButtonConfiguration()
    btConfiguration.tintColor = .white
    btConfiguration.separetorColor = .clear
    //Create button and pass configuration
    let thatIsAllFolksButton = MalertButtonStruct(title: "That's all folks", buttonConfiguration: btConfiguration) { 
        //Block will call when click on button


Malert is very customizable. There are two ways to customize your Malert:

  • Appearece
  • Custom single alert

If all malerts in your application are the same, malert provides a global customization option, and every malert will have the same customization.

    var malertAppearance = MalertView.appearance()
    malertAppearance.backgroundColor = .gray
    malertAppearance.buttonsAxis = .horizontal
    malertAppearance.margin = 16

If you want to just customize one malert, you can pass MalertViewConfiguration containing your custom configuration

    //build your configuration
    var malertConfiguration = MalertViewConfiguration()

    malertConfiguration.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:0.7, green:0.7, blue:1.0, alpha:1.0)
    malertConfiguration.buttonsAxis = .horizontal
    malertConfiguration.textColor = .white
    malertConfiguration.textAlign = .center
    malertConfiguration.margin = 16

    //And pass when you start malert
    Malert.shared.show(viewController: self, 
                       title: "title",
                       customView: teste.instantiateFromNib(), 
                       buttons: [malertButtonConfig], 
                       animationType: .modalRight, 
                       malertConfiguration: malertConfiguration)

Default values

By default malert provides values:

    //Defaults attr malertView
    var malertAppearance = MalertView.appearance()

    malertAppearance.backgroundColor    : UIColor                 = .white
    malertAppearance.cornerRadius       : CGFloat                 = 6
    malertAppearance.textColor          : UIColor                 = .black
    malertAppearance.textAlign          : NSTextAlignment         = .left
    malertAppearance.buttonsAxis        : UILayoutConstraintAxis  = .vertical
    malertAppearance.margin             : CGFloat                 = 0
    malertAppearance.titleFont          : UIFont                  = UIFont()
    malertAppearance.buttonsMargin      : CGFloat                 = 0
    malertAppearance.buttonsSpace       : CGFloat                 = 0
    //Defaults attr malertButton
    var malertButtonAppearance = MalertButton.appearance()

    malertButtonAppearence.tintColor       : UIColor = .black
    malertButtonAppearance.backgroundColor : UIColor = .clear
    malertButtonAppearance.height          : CGFloat = 33
    malertButtonAppearance.separatorColor  : UIColor = UIColor(white: 0.8, alpha: 1)

Change Log

Look at CHANGELOG.md for this project.


Vitor Mesquita, vitor.mesquita09@gmail.com


Malert is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.