###Group Members:
- Alvin Leung: Canvas
- Vivian Wang: Back-end
- Michele Lin: Middle-end
- Judy Mai: Front-end
###How to Run: Currently deployed at: http://softdev-server.stuycs.org:9001/ Our home page has a bit of an issue with image-retrieving, so please head on to /register or /login to start.
###Project: Our project, temporarily dubbed Google Paint, was intended to be a version of Google Docs for artists. Multiple artists could collaborate on a drawing simultaneously, while having most of the basic features of more complex graphics programs available to them. Although we do not yet have multi-person functionality working, we have a canvas that allows users to drawing, change their pen size and color, as well as undo and redo their strokes. Each user also has a gallery that lets them view images they have saved. For future prospects, we plan on implementing chat and view/edit settings as well as an option to automatically post to social networks such as Facebook, Tumblr, deviantART, etc.
###Things to work on
- multi-user chat functionality using node.js and socket.io
- update canvaspg with other paint uses: eraser, fix save, consider adding an File-save thing and a change canvas size
- update profile page and allow user to customize settings to post to Facebook, Tumblr, etc. with something similar to oauth-google
- see how we can get multiple users adding in a stroke (check out the server stuff and how we will only be doing the undo/redo stuff to the user who made them, not to the entire canvas and not undoing/redoing other people's stuff.
- think about new animations and site navigation that will make the site more interactive and interesting
###Things we need to fix/add & Most current updates
- Individual image page isn't working/doesn't exist. Remember to add an edit/update button as well as a place for an option description. Comments maybe. Also favorites? Stars? Upvotes?
- Chat is still in the making (username stuff...etc), would be cool if it worked
- Home page isn't working?? Google Paint logo should suffice, don't need 'home' on the navbar, that's redundant.
- Need to either distinguish between profile/gallery or just make them the same thing (probably distinguish)
- Padding for the bottom credits is kinda buggy, only works on About page with a quick look
- Dropdowns are consistently giving me trouble. Only work on About/Chat page, not on canvas/profile
- If user is already logged in, Login/Register should no longer be options, just Log out. On a smaller note, be consistent with Login/Logout or Sign in/Sign out.
- Canvas and home are in pretty bad shape.
- Canvas: dropdown for tools isn't working, as are the other dropdowns on the page. undo/redo don't work. Need to make the title after saving actually work. (need to get saving to work period.) Also zoom is just there for show right now.
- Home: just giving an outright error msg right now saying 'img' is undefined
###Quick fixes:
- Clicking on the user's name should automatically bring to profile (just make it an a href)
- Add an "add artwork" button on the profile/gallery pg.
- Add more things to profile: "About me", etc.
- "Edit profile" button should really be "Settings"
- "Last edited on..." time is missing. Remember this time should update with each update of the drawing (description, etc)
- Individual image page should bring up a modal? A separate page would probably be better because then we can add comments and descriptions. If no comments then modal would be better because we can do left/right to other drawings.
- Add a little star thing to the top corner of images for a quick starred/favorites.
- On that note, add a favorites page.