Personal project to automatically handle converting xbox dvr clips to gifs and automatically uploading them to giphy. Written in Python 2.7.
- ffmpeg installed on your machine (and added to path for Windows users)
- watchdog == 0.8.3
- requests == 2.13.0
- pyperclip == 1.5.27
All of these can be installed with pip and the given requirements.txt with the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This script current can work in two ways. It can either be run through the command line with the following command:
Or, by running the GUI which will allow you to select a folder and start/stop the script.
If a path isn't given, the current directory will be used instead.
One current problem is the speed of the POST request to giphy. It currently takes ~15s to completely upload the gif. This is most likely due to the size of the gif currently generated by ffmpeg. I will look into reducing file size and see if that could speed it up.