
matplotlib/spotify script to generate a histogram of saved albums

Primary LanguagePython

Spotify Album Art Plotter


This project was ran and tested with Python version 3.7.2. It depends on three packages (spotipy, matplotlib, retrying) that can be installed with Python's pip package manager through the requirements.txt file as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Currently, the project requires a bit of manual intervention to properly use. The saved_tracks.py file that generates the JSON file of all saved songs requires some manual intervention for authenticating with Spotify. The process is relatively easy, it just involves logging in and pasting a link back into the shell.

To use the project for polling from playlists, use the following command:

python3 saved_tracks.py -u [spotify-username] -p

this will automatically call the plot_art.py file that generates the histogram. To use it and poll a user's library instead, simply replace the -p flag with -l instead.


My Spotify username is ajwr26. I executed the following command:

python3 saved_tracks.py -u ajwr26 -l

and an image called library.png was added to my current folder. It looks like this (click for full size/coloring).