
This repo contains the third project of Full Stack Web Development Nanodegree, from Udacity

Primary LanguagePython


Here is my third project for the "Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree".

The objective of this project is to develop reporting tool made with python that query a database and displays the correct answers to each of the questions. This project follows the PIP8 Python standard.

Installation Requirements

To run correctly this project you will need:

  1. Python
  2. psycopg module
  3. PostgreSQL
  4. newsdata - Database
  5. VirtualBox
  6. Vagrant


For this project, is needed to clone this repo, this repo contains the files we will need to execute this project, including the database and the needed libraries. To have the exact same setup, you must:

Navigate to the vagrant subdirectory and type vagrant up. In the first time, it will download the virtual machine and install it on your computer. After the download and installation, to access your new virtual machine, type vagrant ssh.

Download and place the newsdata.sql into the vagrant directory inside the repository folder. Use psql -d news -f newsdata.sql to setup the database.

Database Structure and Functions

This database contains three tables, Authors, Articles and Log. This program will execute three SQL scripts to answer these three questions:

QUESTION_1 = "1. What are the most popular three articles of all time?"
QUESTION_2 = "2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time?"
QUESTION_3 = "3. On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?"

        "SELECT title, "
        "	number_views "
        "FROM articles_views "
        "ORDER BY number_views DESC limit 3;"

        "SELECT a.name, "
        "	sum(b.number_views) AS number_views "
        "FROM authors a "
        "INNER JOIN articles_views b ON a.id = b.author "
        "GROUP BY a.name "
        "ORDER BY number_views DESC;"

        "SELECT to_char(log_date, 'FMMonth dd, yyyy'), "
        "	error_per_day "
        "FROM percent_errors "
        "WHERE error_per_day > 1.0;"


To run your script: python <script_name>.py while logged into your development environment, assuming that it has all the requirements correctly installed.

After the program runs, it will show up in terminal the results and create a log file called lognews.txt.