
Python Flask web app with database, CRUD functions, Google Sign-In, and JSON API

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Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program

Project 4. Flask Item Catalog App

Brendon Smith


Python Flask CRUD web app with SQLite DB, Google Sign-In, and JSON API


Table of Contents


  • This is a RESTful web application created with Python 3 and the Python micro-framework Flask.

  • The app's SQLite database contains a catalog of items and associated information. The app is called "Brendon's Bodybuilding Bazaar" and features items useful for bodybuilding. The database is created by running database_setup.py and populated by running database_data.py.

  • The SQLite database is accessed by SQLAlchemy from within the Python code in application.py.

  • The main application code is located in application.py. This file controls the app, with Flask routing functions to render the pages of the web application and access app content.

  • Authentication is performed with a hybrid flow. The deprecated oauth2client library was used for consistency with the Udacity Vagrant virtual machine configuration. Future implementations should consider using google-auth or authlib.

  • Python code has been formatted according to the PEP 8 specification. Comments and spacing keep the code as organized and readable as possible.

  • Markdown documents in the repository have been formatted in a standard style, based on suggestions from vscode-markdownlint.

  • The application pages are styled with Bootstrap 4, a library of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.

  • The homepage displays a navbar, the item categories, the items most recently added to the database, and an awesome classic picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu.


  • Clicking on a category name displays the items in the category.

    Category page

  • Clicking on an item provides a photo, description, and link.

    Item page

  • JSON data for each page can be accessed by clicking the JSON links, which append /json to the URL.

    Homepage JSON

  • Clicking Sign In allows the user to authenticate with Google.

    Google Sign-In

  • Users who are logged in can add items and categories. The creator of each item or category can also edit or delete it.

    Edit category page

  • The app is fully responsive, thanks to Bootstrap.

    Item page on iPhone 6S simulated with Firefox developer tools

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Repository contents

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Generate credentials

  • This application will require an OAuth 2.0 client ID from the Google API dashboard.
  • Log into Google.
  • Navigate to the Google Cloud Platform APIs credentials page.
  • Click Create credentials and follow the prompts.
    • OAuth Client ID
    • Web application
    • Set a name. I set mine as "Brendon's Bodybuilding Bazaar".
    • Restrictions: Add http://localhost:8000 to the Authorized JavaScript origins and Redirects.
  • Download JSON credentials and save in application directory as client_secrets.json.

Set up environment

The application can be run by setting up either a virtual environment or a virtual machine. Instructions for each option are provided below.

Major dependencies

  • Python 3
  • Flask
  • Requests
  • SQLAlchemy
  • oauth2client

Virtual environment with venv

Python 3 is bundled with the venv module for creation of virtual environments.

cd <PATH>
python3 -m venv venv
# activate virtual env
. venv/bin/activate
# install modules listed in requirements.txt
(venv) <PATH> pip install -r requirements.txt

Virtual machine

A virtual machine can be used to run the code from an operating system with a defined configuration. The virtual machine has all the dependencies needed to run the application.

Configure virtual machine

I wrote the program in a Linux virtual machine with the following components:

  • Oracle VirtualBox Version 5.2.10 r122088 (Qt5.6.3)
    • Software that runs special containers called virtual machines, like Vagrant.
    • Updates to the program need to be downloaded directly.
  • Vagrant 2.0.4 with Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-75-generic x86_64)
    • Software that provides the Linux operating system in a defined configuration, allowing it to run identically across many personal computers. Linux can then be run as a virtual machine with VirtualBox.
    • Updates to the program need to be downloaded directly.
  • Udacity virtual machine configuration
    • Repository from Udacity that configures Vagrant.

    • Some of the necessary Python modules in the Udacity virtual machine configuration are only included for Python 2, and not Python 3. If needed, install the modules with pip:

      pip3 install sqlalchemy --user
      pip3 install flask --user
      pip3 install oauth2client --user
Run virtual machine
  • Clone the application repository into the vagrant/ virtual machine directory.
  • Start the virtual machine and log into vagrant:
    • Change into the vagrant directory on the command line (wherever you have it stored):

      cd <path>/fullstack-nanodegree-vm/vagrant
    • Start Vagrant (only necessary once per terminal session):

      vagrant up
    • Log in to Ubuntu:

      vagrant ssh
    • After logging into the virtual machine, change into the application directory:

      vagrant@vagrant:~$ cd /vagrant/udacity-fsnd-p4-flask-catalog

Run application

  • Create the database:

    python3 database_setup.py
  • Populate the database:

    python3 database_data.py

    The program will prompt the user for their name and email. The user will be entered into the database and registered as the creator of the categories and items in database_setup.py. If the user or items already exist in the database, no duplicates are added, and the user is notified in the terminal.

  • Start the application:

    python3 application.py
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8000 in a web browser. Note that Google will reject sign-in from

  • Log in, and enjoy!


Linux Apache server

  • For my final project, I configured a Linux Apache server to serve the app.
  • This was prior to building the Docker container, so the app is running with a standard Linux Apache configuration.
  • The project documentation is available in the udacity-fsnd-flask-catalog-server repo.
  • The app is available at catalog.br3ndonland.com.


After completing and deploying the application, I learned how to use Docker and assembled the application into a Docker container.

  • An image is the executable set of files used by Docker.
  • A container is a running image.
  • The Dockerfile tells Docker how to build the container.
  • Visual Studio Code has built-in Docker features. See Working with Docker in VS Code.

To build and run the Docker application container locally:

  1. Clone, or fork and clone, the GitHub repository to your machine.

  2. Install Docker Desktop on your machine.

  3. Build and run the container.

    docker build -t catalog .
    docker run -d -p 80:80 catalog:latest

    -p 80:80 maps the http port 80 from your local machine to port 80 on the container. Ports other than 80 can be used by modifying the Dockerfile.

    Other useful commands:

    docker container ls
    docker container stop <SHA or container name>
    docker container rm <SHA or container name>
    docker image ls
    docker image rm <SHA or container name>
  4. Browse to http://localhost:80 to see the app.

  5. For deployment info, see server-methods.md.


Here are some tips if you have to code a Flask app like this:

  • Develop iteratively. Develop the app in stages, with functioning deliverables at each stage. See the lesson on agile in the Udacity Full Stack Foundations course for one example of the iterative development process.
  • Use clear, specific object names. Between database table column names, variable names, and HTML templates, it gets very difficult to keep everything straight.
  • Follow the objects. Objects created in the main Python application code are referenced in other parts of the app, and it's important to make sure the names match up. For successful POST requests, be sure to match object names used in the app route function form field references (request.form['new_category_name'] for example) with the corresponding input name used for the form submission field in the HTML template (<input type="text" name="new_category_name"> for this example).
  • When in doubt, make an object. If you're unsure how to access information from the database or another part of the app, make an object, call the information with the object, and reference the object in downstream operations. For example, I made the login_status object to help track the user's login session, and I made several other objects to store the results of SQLAlchemy queries.
  • Read the docs. It's always important to read documentation, especially for this project, because the lessons didn't provide adequate preparation for building this app. The Flask docs and Stack Overflow Flask tag were helpful.

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