
How to keep global state in a worker ?

mquandalle opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I'm trying to convert an existing worker using the postMessage API. This worker has some global state that is initialized with the first message, and used in subsequent calls:

import Fuse from 'fuse.js'

let fuse = null // This is the global state
onmessage = function(event) {
	if ( // First call we initiate the Fuse object
		fuse = new Fuse( 

	if ( { // Second call we use it to search
		let results =

The goal is that the search happen in the worker. I've tried writing a high order useWorker function but it's not clear to me what is run in the worker, and what's the best way to write such a flow (first call with the source data, second call with the search query). Thank you for your help!

zant commented

Hi @mquandalle! At the moment we do not support global variables. This is because when you pass a function to useWorker like this:

const [sumWorker] = useWorker((a, b) => a + b)

The function is directly attached to the onmessage method on the Web Worker. Thus, you cannot set anything outside that method. However, I agree it will be a nice feature to have so expect to have it in future versions ๐Ÿ˜‰

For the time being, this is the suggested way to call external dependencies with useWorker:

const [fuseWorker, { kill: terminateWorker }] = useWorker(fuseSearch, {
   // Pass the dependency your using via cdn
    remoteDependencies: [""],
   // Here we tell useWorker to keep the worker alive until terminateWorker is called
   // this way, we avoid killing the worker and refetching the library from the cdn on every call
    autoTerminate: false 

 // Is important to kill the worker on component un-mount
 useEffect(() => () => terminateWorker(), []);

Here's a working sandbox with fuse.js:

Thank you for your answer.

Actually new Fuse() is expensive (it build indexes, etc.) so we don't want to call for every search (we use it on a input field, where search is called on every press). That's why we do a first call to the worker (to build the cache) and then we only call which is fast.

I'm under the impression that I can't replicate this model with useWorker.

zant commented

No problem! And you're right, with the current version of the hook we cannot set global state.

However, this is a really good use case so I just opened a PR (#45) which will provide this functionality. Hopefully we can merge it and prepare a release candidate.

Please feel free to suggest improvements to the API proposed there. Thanks for reporting!

The only solution at the moment is the one described by @gonzachr ๐Ÿ‘ or #45 (comment) (more efficient)

I'd like to implement a version that uses higher order functions:


const fuseSearch = (list, options) => {
  const fuse = new Fuse(list, options);

  return function search(input) {


const [fuseWorker] = useWorker(fuseSearch, {....})

const fuse = await fuseWorker(['demo', 'demo2'], {})
const res ='demo2')

is it currently possible?

Not natively because postMessage uses Structured clone algorithm and Function objects cannot be duplicated by the structured clone algorithm :(

how to convert a string into a function?

var adder = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b"); or eval ( not safe!!!)

can we find a workaround?

the library already uses workarounds to create an inline worker, so we can also think of a clean way to allow the worker to return a function

possibile solution:
worker proto
but we should think better about this aspect ...
Tomorrow evening (CEST) I will try to make a proposal :)

I'm trying to find a workaround to keep a reference to the function scope, but I don't know if it's feasible ๐Ÿ˜ฌ