- 5
Attempted import error: 'useWorker' is not exported from '@koale/useworker'.
#86 opened by konraddzbik - 7
using `kill()` does not fully reset state
#119 opened by reviewher - 10
react@18 compatibility
#134 opened by architeq - 9
Update to react 17
#117 opened by MatanYemini - 7
Compatability Issue with react@17.0.2
#123 opened by reese1515 - 0
- 0
netlify CI
#147 opened by alewin - 0
[examples] replace react-script with vite
#146 opened by alewin - 2
🚨 New Maintainer Needed! 🚨
#143 opened by alewin - 0
Reference Error: Function is not defined
#142 opened by burki505 - 4
Uncaught ReferenceError: _components_common_Upload…alog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ is not defined
#140 opened by tristaamne - 2
unknown promise rejection error
#135 opened by shubham7822 - 3
Uncaught ReferenceError: f is not defined
#133 opened by monski - 1
NPM Error
#131 opened by agboola-osho - 0
- 2
How to test a custom hook using useWorker?
#126 opened by NandoSangenetto - 0
Uncaught NetworkError for cron-parser
#125 opened by qmn1711 - 1
How to cancel de previous execution?
#118 opened by LorhanSohaky - 1
How can I use api calls in useWorker?
#116 opened by KbnCodes - 2
- 3
When will localDependencies return
#112 opened by rodrigonzalz - 5
- 9
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': An object could not be cloned
#85 opened by sulhadin - 2
- 3
- 0
Proposal: useWorkers hook
#38 opened by alewin - 0
Proposal: Inline dependencies options
#37 opened by alewin - 6
Proposals for 3.0.0
#36 opened by alewin - 0
how inject dependence for worker function
#124 opened by QC2168 - 1
Incorrect URL of Transferable Objects for MDN
#120 opened by ashish-r - 5
How to keep global state in a worker ?
#43 opened by mquandalle - 2
useWorker for Sockets
#94 opened by umernawaz0301 - 5
Guidance on how to use local dependencies?
#69 opened by marco-m-alves - 1
Uncaught ReferenceError: p is not defined
#89 opened by lxmw001 - 4
How use the lib by create-react-app??
#104 opened by leermao - 10
Bad isoworker import
#105 opened by jer-sen - 0
Error in RemoteDependencies with more than one
#108 opened by vitorlans - 50
RFC: Inline dependencies
#77 opened by zant - 4
Testing useWorker
#41 opened by zant - 3
- 4
Add another example to solve 'variable not defined' error caused by transpiling
#87 opened by AhmadMayo - 1
async function error
#68 opened by lxfu1 - 12
- 0
- 5
Error's with async functions
#30 opened by xzilja - 5
No OffscreenCanvas compatibility detection
#59 opened by aofong - 9
Proposal: Support for TransferList API
#47 opened by zant - 2
Question: Are Transferables supported as input or return values from worker?
#46 opened by jimvermillion - 4
[Proposal] migrate library to TypeScript
#26 opened by xzilja - 1
Error parsing CSV to JSON on examples page
#23 opened by vitormalencar