CC team02

This repository contains the cc_team02 full code-base.

1. Project setup

This section describes the minimal prerequisites, the build steps as well as a detailed description about the different targets. This project offers a build configuration for cmake.

Minimal prerequisites:

  • flex 2.6.0
  • bison (GNU Bison) 3.0.4
  • valgrind-3.11.0
  • doxygen 1.8.11
  • libcurl4-openssl-dev 7.47.0
  • cmake 3.9.6

Please note that the downloaded files (cmake) need to be installed manually using ./bootstrap --system-curl to ensure ssl-support (which is needed to automatically download external projects).

Manual build steps (recommended):

  1. Clone or download the code-base (and move to the /cc_team02 folder).
  2. Create the directory where to store the makefiles + binaries: $ mkdir build
  3. Move to the build-directory: $ cd build
  4. Build cmake-infrastructure: $ cmake ../
  5. If you want to build in debug-mode, use: $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug ../
  6. (Optional) Build the whole project: $ make all
  7. Execute targets (See possible targets) via: $ make <target>

Using the setup-wrapper (experimental):

  1. Clone or download the code-base (and move to the /cc_team02 folder).
  2. Build cmake-infrastructure: $ ./setup-wrapper "<cmake-args>"
  3. Move to the build-directory: $ cd build
  4. Execute targets (See possible targets) via: $ make <target>

Note: If there occur strange error-messages from cmake, try to delete the build-directory.

Additional note: Please consider that this application uses limited buffer-sizes (e.g. to construct the command to invoke the backend-compiler). The buffer-sizes are listed below (and specified in <project_base_dir>/config/

  • #define FILE_NAME_BUF_SIZE 255
  • #define LOGGING_PATH_BUF_SIZE 2048
  • #define FILE_PATH_BUF_SIZE 512
  • #define GCC_CMD_BUF_SIZE 2048

These buffer-sizes may be relevant (especially) for the following constructed strings:

  • gcc -m32 -c <path_to_buildins> -o <path_to_buildins_object_file>
  • gcc -m32 -c <path_to_generated_assembly_file> -o <path_to_object_file>
  • gcc -m32 <path_to_object_file> <path_to_buildins_object_file> -o <executable_destination>

The values for <path_to_buildins>, <path_to_buildins_object_file>, <path_to_generated_assembly_file> and <path_to_object_file> are hardcoded:

  • <path_to_buildins>: <build_dir_base_path>/data/buildins.c
  • <path_to_buildins_object_file>: <build_dir_base_path>/out/buildins.o
  • <path_to_generated_assembly_file>: <build_dir_base_path>/assembly/a.s
  • <path_to_object_file>: <build_dir_base_path>/out/a.o

So please make sure that the mentioned commands don't exceed the mentioned buffer-sizes. If they do, you have to adjust the buffer-sizes in <project_base_dir>/config/ and rebuild the whole project.


This section lists the available targets that can be build.

Target Description Additional notes
all Self explanatory -
clean Self explanatory -
cleanup_logger Removes all log-files -
doxygen Builds the documentation -
test* Runs all gtests (unit) -
build_and_test* Runs all gtests (unit; and builds all needed targets) In cmake the default test-target does not ensure a rebuild.
extended_unit_test* Runs the extended unit-tests (for assembly-generation) Just simpler versions of integration-tests.
build_and_test_all_units* Runs all unit-tests AND the extended unit-tests At first the unit-tests, then the extended ones.
build_and_test_all* Runs all tests (all unit-tests AND integration-tests) At first the unit-tests, then the extended ones and afterwards the integration-tests.
build_and_test_memcheck* Runs all gtests together with valgrind -
integration_test Runs all integration-tests (and builds all needed targets) It runs the provided shell-script.
run_benchmarks** Runs all benchmarks It is currently not used, but maybe in the future: CMake requires the google-benchmark for this task. A custom shell script then runs all the benchmarked source-files.

* Test-targets execute also printer-tests: They don't have any "gtest-assertions" but print the AST (dot-notation) into build/<release_type>/test/output. This dot files are named as follow: DOT_<test_name>.dot
** Currently disabled

2. Usage

The execution of the mC-compiler is configurable using various options.

Run ./mCc --help to display all options:

$ ./mCc --help
Usage: mCc [OPTION...] INPUT_FILE or '-' for stdin
mCc -- A compiler for the mC-language

  -c, --tac-cfg              Generate tac control flow graph    (default=false)
  -d, --dot                  Print the AST in dot-notation      (default=false)
  -f, --fileLog              Log into <project_dir>/log/        (default=false)
  -l, --stdoutLog            Log to stdout                      (default=false)
  -o, --output=FILE          Output to FILE                     (default=a.out)
  -O, --optimize             Enable optimization                (default=false)
  -t, --tac                  Print the Three-adress-code        (default=false)
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Report bugs to the members of team02.

The printing functionalities are integrated into the mCc-executable. The mC_to_dot-executable still exists and hence it can be executed. But note that it just prints out the AST in dot-notation without performing any semantic checks.

3. Known issues

This section contains known issues about the project.

Assigmnent 1

See issues for project progress and additional information.

Assigmnent 2

  • Incorrect location information (line-/column-number) on the first statements inside a new scope (if/else, while): This first statement gets the same location-information as the parent that opens the scope. All subsequent statements are correct.
  • Memory Leaks on TAC tests: Testing the TAC code still shows memory leaks. This will be improved shortly.

Assignment 3

  • Valgrind issue: Valgrind reports "Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation" if using malloc on allocating memory for identifiers at basic_tac.c. We do not investigated further why this error occurs, but fixed it initializing the allocated memory with 0s (using calloc).
  • Rounding error at integration tests: On test-programs where a floating-point value's equality is checked afterwards, it may happens, that rounding errors prevent a positive match (because of string-comparison between program-output and *.mC.stdout). The affected test-outputs (currently only one) were adjusted accordingly.
  • Task 6: We didn't work on Task 6 dueto lack of time.
  • Possible issue at a target: At the target build_and_test_all (building and running all unit-tests, extended unit-tests and integration tests) we encountered (not on every machine) a strange overlapping at executing the tests (e.g. before the unit-tests were completely finished, the execution of the integration-tests started and after some tests the execution switched back to the unit-tests,...). This misbehavior caused a failure of the most of the tests. Running the build_and_test_all_units and integration_test separately, the mentioned issue could not be reproduced. We fixed the build_and_test_all target and tested again. On our machines it seems to work (the issue was not reproducible anymore). So if you encounter this strange behavior by executing the build_and_test_all target, please run the mentioned targets separately.

4. Changelog

This section contains the fixed and unfixed issues from the previous assignments.

Recent fixes:

  • Messed up string-termination at pseudo-label-generation (basic_tac.c) fixed.

After assignment 2:

  • Parsing assotiativity for binary-operations corrected (changed from right to left to guarantee correct TAC-construction + later evaluation).
  • Function-uses before their declaration are allowed now (according to specification).
  • Function- and primitive-variable-identifiers cannot be abused as array-identifiers anymore.
  • Additional semantic checks for arrays as arguments (size + type equality ensured now).
  • Assignments on array-variables dropped according to the changed specification.
  • Segmentation fault dueto function-uses before their declaration (because of unlinked symbol-table-information) fixed.
  • Further TAC improvements done.
  • Unnecessary warnings supressed + resolved.
  • One single, static library contains now the whole logic (libmCc.a).

After assignment 1:

  • Meson-support is dropped. Only CMake is used now as build-tool.
  • Segmentation-fault on mCc and mCc_to_dot is fixed (The wrong toplevel was detected).
  • Parser now results in an error if toplevel is a statement/expression (Using a workaround, because we couldn't get working the the suggested approach spending a reasonable amount of time).
  • Incorrect operator precedence in the parser was detected and fixed.
  • Missing location-information on identifiers was fixed.
  • README-restructuring done.
  • All exported library symbols are prefixed now.
  • Warnings on unused parameters are suppressed now.
  • Include-pahts are managed by the build-system now.
  • Restructuring on the include-directory done.
  • A logging mechanism was introduced (logging to stdout and/or logfiles can be configured using command-line arguments).

Unfixed issues:

  • Checking return-values after memory-allocation: Not done at every single place (-.-). An error is logged if such an allocation fails.
  • Checking return-values inside the parser: Our colleague that did the whole parser + lexer (only with small exceptions) left the project. So we wanted to touch the parser/lexer stuff only on critical issues such as incorrect precendence-rules (which we had to do). We know that this isn't any excuse. It is just an explanation.