
Kromblast version in c++

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Use native functions of operating system in a website.


Build Kromblastcpp

  • Need meson, ninja and a compiler that supports C++20.
  • Need to install dependencies of webview, see here

WARNING: Kromblastcpp not work in Windows and MacOS yet

meson build
ninja -C build

Run Kromblastcpp

Command Description
./build/kromblastcpp conf Run Kromblastcpp with a configuration from the command
./build/kromblastcpp json Run Kromblastcpp with a configuration from a JSON file

with command line

Option Description Default Example
-h, --help Show help message
-v, --version Show version
-t, --title Set the title of the window -t "My title"
-sw, --width Set the width of the window -sw 800
-sh, --height Set the height of the window -sh 600
-f, --fullscreen Set the window in fullscreen false
-fl, --frameless Set the window without frame false
-d, --debug Set Kromblast in debug mode false
-r, -registry Set multiple approved registry (url who can use native functions) -r "https://*" -r "file://*/index.html"
-m, --mode Set the mode of the host (LOCAL, HOSTED, SERVER, DEBUG) -m LOCAL
-hs, --host Set the host of the server or the path to the file -hs "http://localhost:8080" or -hs "/path/to/file.html"
-lp, --lib-path Set the path to folder with libraries -lp "/path/to/folder"
-l, --lib Set the library to load -l "mylib.so"
-lc, --lib-config Set the configuration of the library -lc "mylib:key=value" -lc "mylib:key2=value2"

with JSON file

./build/kromblastcpp json /path/to/config.json

Example of JSON file

    "window": {
        "title": "My title",
        "size":  [800, 600],
        "fullscreen": false,
        "frameless": false,
    "debug": false,
    "registry": ["https://*", "file://*/index.html"],
    "mode": "LOCAL",
    "host": "http://localhost:8080",
    "lib_folder": "/path/to/folder",
    "libraries": ["mylib.so", "mylib2.so"],
    "lib_config": {
        "mylib": {
            "key": "value"

Create a library

The code for begin a library is:

// Kromblast::Class::KromLib
#include "kromblast_lib_plugin.hpp"

// Kromblast::Core::kromblast_callback_called_t
#include "kromblast_lib_plugin_callback.hpp"

#include "kromblast_api_plugin_utils.hpp"

class Plugin : public Kromblast::Class::KromLib
    // Version of the library (not used yet)
    std::string get_version() {
        return "0.1.0";

    // at_start is called when the library is loaded
    void at_start() override {

    // load_functions is called after all libraries are loaded
    // and allow to claim your functions for the webview
    void load_functions() override {
            "js_class.function", // Name of the function in the webview
            1, // Number of arguments

            // BIND_CALLBACK is a macro for bind the function to the current class
            // see std::bind for more information

            // Add regex in the registry only for this function
            // Could be useful if this function can be used in a page that not allowed by the registry
            std::vector<std::regex>({std::regex("https://*"), std::regex("file://*/index.html")})

    // function return dump json
    // parameters is a struct with the arguments of the function
    std::string function(Kromblast::Core::kromblast_callback_called_t *parameters) {
        kromblast().get_logger()->log("Plugin", "function called");
        return R"({"result": "ok"})";

// Register the library
extern "C" Kromblast::Class::KromLib *kromblast_lib_get_class()
    return new Plugin();