
Simple VueJs app to sort comments on specific blog

Primary LanguageVue


sort the comments

📚 Project Definition

Simple app to sort comments from a specific blog.

🛠️ Features

The app uses these technologies:

  • ⚛️ Vue.js — A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • ♻️ Netlify — A serverless platform
  • ♻️ Netlify Functions / lambda
  • 🎯 Tailwindcss
  • 🌶️ Cheerio.js

🚀 Getting started

Getting started with the lambda server

  1. Go to project folder
  2. Run npm run start:lambda
  3. The backend cand be accessed at http://localhost:9000/.netlify/functions/posts

Getting started with the frontend app

  1. Go to project folder
  2. Run npm run start:vue
  3. Access the project at http://localhost:3090/

Docker development Also, a docker container can be used: docker-compose up -d

Useful links



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE page for details.


[ ] mark somehoue what is the current order selected for comments [ ] manual url box should be disabled when loading for posts [ ] treat axios 500 with interceptors https://dev.to/mperon/axios-error-handling-like-a-boss-333d [x] the response from lambda is a JSON but is treated as text, why ? [ ] add a notification systems / alert [ ] add a popup with all replys to a comment(if it's a reply show the parent) [ ] add a loading on page load and on post select from the list [ ] add Vuetify (material ui) https://zoso.ro/franezi-coruptia-bugetarilor/