

This repository contains code for a note taking app. At the launch page, select "Get Started" to be taken to the note taking page. From here you can type in a note title and text, after this you can select to save the note with the button in the top right corner. The note will then be added to the left column where the title will be displayed. If you wish to view this note simply click on the note title and the note will appear on the right column. To add another note from this page simply click the plus sign in the upper right corner. Currently the application does not support deleting notes.

Heroku link

This application has also been deployed with Heroku, the link below will take you to the app. alex-d-marten-jot-it-down

How to install

To install this application, download the repository from GitHub. You will need Node.js installed to run this application. Open up the project from the root directory and run npm install to install any dependencies. Then to start the server run Node server.js from the root directory of the project. Navigate to localhost:3001 on your browser to view the application.

Screenshot of Application

Screenshot1 Screenshot2