

This project contains the code necessary for an budget tracker application. Users are able to add a deposit and add an expense to a the tracker. The tracker will automatically update the total balance of the account when the budget is updated. Additionally, this application is usable offline as well where users can still add a deposit/expense and the budget will update. Once connection is regained, the budget updates persist as the application comes back online. This application utilizes MongoDB for the database and Express.js for the server. Service Worker and IndexedDB are also being used to add the offline functionality to the application.

Table of contents

Screenshot of application

Application Screenshot


To install this project, Node.js and MongoDB are required. With these available on your machine, download/clone the code to your machine. Navigate to the root directory of the project and run "npm install" to load in the necessary packages.


To use the application, run "npm start" at the root directory of the application.


Live application


If you have any questions about the project listed here or myself in general please contact me at I will get back to you as soon as possible, thanks!

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