
Clojure client for Kafka

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Clojars Project

Franz Kafka and Milena Jesenska wrote passionate letters to each other.

This Kafka client library allows the user to exchange records while speaking clojure.

The user should be using almost always these namespaces :

  • milena.admin for managing topics, configurations and ACLs.

  • milena.serialize, milena.produce for serializing and sending records.

  • milena.deserialize, milena.consume for deserializing and consuming records.

  • milena.analyze.*, for using Kafka Streams.

Although not strictly needed, it is best for the user to be familiar with the original java library. The goal of this clojure wrapper is to avoid clunky java interop while being up to date. The API translates clojure data structures to java objects and vice-versa for the user. As such, documentation often refers to those namespaces :

  • milena.interop.clj for translating clojure data structures to java objects.

  • milena.interop.java for translating java objects to clojure data structures.

The user should never need to use those functions directly but can at least understand what is going on.


While being already used in production, this library is still alpha (soon to be beta). The main reason being that all the java admin stuff is itself brand new and might change in the future. Another one is the namespaces relative to Kafka Streams might involve breaking changes.


Read the API.


;; We need a few things
(require '[milena.admin       :as admin]
         '[milena.produce     :as produce]
         '[milena.consume     :as consume]
         '[milena.serialize   :as serialize]
         '[milena.deserialize :as deserialize])

;; First, we are going to create a topic.
;; We need an admin client.
(def A
     (admin/make {:nodes [["localhost"] 9092]}))

;; Let's create the topic.
(admin/topics-create A
                     {"my-topic" {:partitions         1
                                  :replication-factor 1
                                  :config             {:cleanup.policy "compact"}}})

;; There it is, amongst other topics.
(admin/topics A)
;; => <Future {"my-topic" {:internal? false}
;;             ...}>

;; Now, let's send some records.
;; We need a producer.
(def P
     (produce/make {:nodes            [["localhost" 9092]]
                    :serializer-key   serialize/string
                    :serializer-value serialize/long}))

;; Let's send 5 records to our new topic on partition 0.
;; We'll provide an optional callback.
(dotimes [i 5]
  (produce/commit P
                  {:topic      "my-topic"
                   :partition 0
                   :key       (format "message-%d"
                   :value     i}
                  (fn callback [exception meta]
                    (println i :okay? (boolean exception)))))

;; Okay, time to consume some records !
;; We need a consumer (with a little bit of optional configuration).
(def C
     (consume/make {:nodes              [["localhost" 9092]]
                    :deserializer-key   deserialize/string
                    :deserializer-value deserialize/long
                    :config             {:group.id           "my_test"
                                         :enable.auto.commit false}}))

;; The consumer needs to be assigned.
(consume/listen C
                [["my-topic" 0]])

;; Time to get a batch of records.
(consume/poll C)

;; Wait, let's do something different !
;; We need to rewind the partition to the beginning.
(consume/rewind C

;; So, we'd like to sum all the available values.
;; At the end of the partition, we'll wait for up to 500 milliseconds for new records.
(reduce (fn [sum record]
          (+ sum
             (:value record)))
        (consume/poll-seq C

;; The job is done.
;; Let's synchronously commit the offsets so next time we won't forget where we ended.
;; This will commit the offset of the last record from the last time we polled records.
(consume/commit-sync C)

;; That's it for now !
;; Check the full API, there is more you can do.
;; Oh, and don't forget to close your resources, it's cleaner.
(admin/close   A)
(produce/close P)
(consume/close C)


Copyright © 2017-2018 Adam Helinski

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.