
A wrapper around the node-mongodb-native driver to enable pub/sub

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MongoDB Node.js Driver + Pub/Sub

An example driver to be used with Node.js in conjunction with mongodbinc-interns/pubsub. This repo provides a wrapper around the MongoDB Node.js Driver.


To install from source:

git clone git@github.com:ajgrover/node-mongodb-pubsub.git
cd node-mongodb-pubsub
npm install


var MongoClient = require('mongodb-pubsub').MongoClient;

MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017', function(err, db) {
  console.log('Opened a connection.');

  // now you can publish, subscribe, and unsubscribe
  db.subscribe('test', function(err, subscription) {
    console.log('Subscribed to \'test\'.');

    // register event handlers on subscription object
    subscription.on('message', function(message) {

      // message contains fields 'subscription', 'channel', and 'data'
      console.log('Received message. ' + message.channel +
                  ': ' + JSON.stringify(message.data, null, 2));

      // unsubscribe after receiving a single message.
      db.unsubscribe(subscription, function(err, res) {
        console.log('Unsubscribed. All done!');

    // publish a message when the subscriber is ready
    db.publish('test', {hello: 'world'}, function(err, res) {
      console.log('Published message.');



// Output:
// - Opened a connection.
// - Subscribed to 'test'.
// - Published message.
// - Received message. test: {
// -   "hello": "world"
// - }
// - Unsubscribed. All done!

See examples/basic.js for a more in depth example with 2 subscriptions.

API Documentation

Three basic methods are provided to interact with MongoDB's Pub/Sub system: publish, subscribe, and unsubscribe.


The publish command sends a document to the channel specified.


db.publish(channel, document, [callback]);


  • channel The channel name to publish to. Must be a string.
  • document The document to publish. Must be a JavaScript Object.
  • callback Optional. Takes the form function(err, res).


Subscribes to a channel using prefix matching. TODO: document subscription matching behavior


db.subscribe(channel, [options], callback);


  • channel The channel name/prefix to susbcribe to. Must be a string.
  • options Optional. Used to specify a filter and/or projection for the subscription.
  • callback Required. Takes the form function(err, subscription).

Filters and Projections

The optional options object recognizes the fields filter and projection. TODO: document behavior of filters and projections in pubsub in the main repo

They can be used together or independently of each other. The values for these fields must be objects and take the same syntax as the query and projection fields of a read command. See here for documentation on filter syntax and here for documentation on projection syntax.


The subscribe command returns a subscription object which automatically handles polling. It emits the following events:

  • 'message' When a message is received. Message comes in the format {subscription: ObjectId, channel: <channel>, data: <message>}.
  • 'error' If polling the database fails with an error.


db.subscribe('channel', function(err, subscription) {
  if (err) // handle subscribe error

  subscription.on('message', function(message) {
    // handle message

  subscription.on('error', function(errmsg) {
    // handle poll error


Unsubscribes from a given subscription.


db.unsubscribe(subscription, [callback]);


  • subscription The subscription object to unsubscribe from. Must be an object returned by the callback of the subscribe command.
  • callback Optional. Takes the form function(err, res).

Other options

Poll timeout

Under the hood, MongoDB uses long polling to implement the Publish/Subscribe system. However, the driver handles the mechanics of polling the database and getting the correct messages to the correct subscriptions. TODO: document options and behavior of poll command

For performance, the driver pools all subscriptions on each DB connection into a single poll database command. Each DB exposes a property db.pollLength which determines the maximum time (in milliseconds) that a poll will spend waiting on the server if there are no messages available. If not set explicitly, the default is 10 minutes (the maximum allowed by the server).

If you need fine-grained control over how long each subscription waits on the server, you must open multiple DB connections and then set the pollLength property on each one.

Database Event Notifications

This driver provides easy access to database event notifications. Both the DB and Collection objects expose a watch method that takes a callback to handle database change events. See examples/dbevents.js for example usage.


db.watch([type], callback);
db.collection('foo').watch([type], callback);


  • type Optional. Valid options are 'insert', 'update', and 'remove'. Specifies the type of database events to watch for.
  • callback Required. Called whenever a database event matching the parameters given occurs. Takes the form function(err, event).

Event format:

  namespace: 'foo.bar',
  type: ['insert', 'update', 'remove'],
  doc: { ... }

If the event is an update, doc has 2 subdocuments: old and new, with the contents of the document before and after the update.