
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Micro Frontend Configuration

Default Hosting Configuration

By default, all micro frontend apps are served from the root URL (UI_URL=/) as specified in the .env file located at the project root. This setting determines where your micro frontend applications are hosted and accessed.

Customizing Host Settings for Development

To serve your apps from a different host during development, you will need to modify the build/importmap-apps.dev.json file. This file allows you to override the URL for specific apps. Here’s how you can customize the hosting settings:

  • Locate the File: Open the build/importmap-apps.dev.json file in your project directory.
  • Modify the URLs: Change the URLs as needed to point to the appropriate hosts for your apps.
  "imports": {
    "@mf/mf1/app": "http://localhost:9001/main.js",
    "@mf/mf2/app": "http://localhost:9002/main.js",
    "@mf/board/app": "http://localhost:9003/main.js",
    "@mf/mf1": "http://localhost:9001/remoteEntry.js",
    "@mf/mf2": "http://localhost:9002/remoteEntry.js",
    "@mf/board": "http://localhost:9003/remoteEntry.js",
    "@mf/core": "http://localhost:9100/remoteEntry.js",
    "@mf/libs": "http://localhost:9101/remoteEntry.js",
    "@mf/shell": "/remoteEntry.js"

On-the-Fly Import Map Changes

You can update the import map configuration on the fly without needing to restart your development server:

  • Edit the Configuration: Make the necessary changes to the build/importmap-apps.dev.json file.
  • Refresh Your Application: Simply refresh your browser to see the updates. The system automatically picks up changes from the modified import map.

Running in Development Mode

To run React/Redux in dev mode, simply serve the @mf/libs package locally.

  • npm start - Serve all apps in development mode.
  • npx lerna run start --scope=@mf/mf1 --stream - Serve a single app.
  • npx lerna run start --scope="@mf/{mf1,mf2,libs}" --parallel --stream - Serve several apps simultaneously.


Similarly, it is possible to build all apps or just select ones:

  • npm run build - Build every app and the core library.
  • npx lerna run build --scope=@mf/mf1 --stream - Build a single app.
  • npx lerna run build --scope="@mf/{mf1,mf2,board}" --parallel --stream - Build a list of apps.