A small Racket application used analyze the climbs of a bike route (loaded from a GPX file). For more information, see this blog post.
You will need Racket installed and also the data-frame, gui-widget-mixins, plot-container, map-widget and colormaps packages. These can be installed using the following commands:
raco pkg install data-frame
raco pkg install gui-widget-mixins
raco pkg install plot-container
raco pkg install map-widget
raco pkg install colormaps
rack pkg install qresults-list
You can run the application from DrRacket by opening the "al2-climb-analysis.rkt" file and run it, but you can also build a standalone executable.
Here are some sample files to test out the applications (most sites allow exporting bike routes as GPX files, so you can analyze your own routes as well):