A prototype application written in Racket used to experiment with data visualization. A full description is available in this blog post, but this code has now been updated and it has some extra features from what is described there.
You will need Racket installed and also the data-frame, gui-widget-mixins and plot-container packages, these can be installed using the command:
raco pkg install data-frame
raco pkg install gui-widget-mixins
rack pkg install plot-container
You can run the application from DrRacket by opening the "main.rkt" file and run it, but you can also build a standalone executable. On Windows platform you can use the command below, and there are similar commands to build MacOS or Linux executables.
raco exe --gui --embed-dlls --ico irisk-icon.ico -o AL2-IRisk.exe main.rkt
The command below will bundle the distribution files, with the resulting application in the "AL2-IRisk" folder and can be run on a machine which does need to have Racket installed.
raco distribute ./AL2-IRisk AL2-IRisk.exe
The icon is from IconArchive, where you can download other file formats of this icon (or any other one) which can be used on MacOS or Linux.