
Tools for simplifying experiments with AES

Primary LanguagePython

AES Tools

Abstraction layers for simplifying experiments with AES


You can use pydoc to read documentation for any class. E.g.:

pydoc AESData
pydoc AESEmbeddings



from AESData import AESData
data = AESData("datasets/your-dataset.json")

Provides abstraction for using various datasets for AES. For each dataset, a special JSON manifest file is required:

    "id": "UNIQUE_DATASET_ID",
    "path": "PATH_TO_DATASET",
    "author": ["AUTHOR1", "AUTHOR2", ...],
    "title": "DATASET_NAME",
    "publisher": "PUBLISHER_NAME",
    "url": "https://url-where-it-can-be-downloaded",
    "skip_first_line": true, /* Whether the first line will be skipped. */
    "columns": { /* Indexes of columns where relevant data is located. */
        "prompt": i1,
        "essay": i2,
        "score": i3
    "prompts": [ /* Metadata for each prompt. */
            "id": 1, /* Index (just for aesthetics). */
            "min_score": S_MIN, /* Min and Max allowed scores. */
            "max_score": S_MAX,
            "genre": "Argument" /* Genre of the essay. */
    "special_tokens": ["@ORGANIZATION", "@LOCATION", ...], /* List of special tokens that mask certain words in dataset */
    "alternative_tokens": ["organization", "location", ...] /* Replacements for special tokens (may improve results)*/


from AESEmbeddings import AESEmbeddings, AESSentenceEmbeddings
embeddings = AESEmbeddings(data) # Requires AESData object

Helps to generate and cache embeddings for any essay by its id.

AESEmbeddings uses standard BERT models from transformers library. Model can be specified using model_name constructer parameter.

AESSentenceEmbeddings uses sentence_transformers library. Model can be specified using model_name constructer parameter.

Linguistic Features

from AESLinguisticFeatures import AESLinguisticFeatures
features = AESLinguisticFeatures(data)

AESLinguisticFeatures.py contains AESLinguisticFeatures class which helps to extract linguistic features from essays. Refer to pydoc to get more information. Currently the following features are supported:

Feature name Description
chars Character Count
words Word Count
4sqrt_words Fourth Root of Word Count
avg_word_len Average Word Length
words_gr5 Word Count > 5 Char
words_gr6 Word Count > 6 Char
words_gr7 Word Count > 7 Char
words_gr8 Word Count > 8 Char
diff_words Difficult Word Count
long_words Long Word Count
spell_err Spelling Errors
uniq_words Unique Word Count
nouns Noun Count
verbs Verb Count
adj Adjective Count
adv Adverb Count
stop_words Stop Words Count
sentences Sentence Count
avg_sentence_len Average Sentence Length
exclamations Exclamation Mark Count
questions Question Mark Count
commas Comma Count

Eid, S.M. and Nayer Wanas (2017). Automated essay scoring linguistic feature: Comparative study. doi:https://doi.org/10.1109/accs-peit.2017.8303043.

Murray, K. and Orii, N. (n.d.). Automatic Essay Scoring. [online] Available at: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~norii/pub/aes.pdf

Larkey, L.S. (1998). Automatic essay grading using text categorization techniques. doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/290941.290965.