
Lightweight environment for frontend development: Slim, SASS, Compass, CoffeeScript

Primary LanguageRuby

Frontend Boilerplate

Lightweight environment for frontend development. Includes cucumber and jasmine for BDD.


Clone the repo:

$ git clone git://github.com/flskif/frontend-boilerplate.git YOUR_APP

Navigate to your brand new app:


Install required gems:

$ bundle install

To run jasmine tests using jasmine-headless-webkit you'll need Qt. Install it with brew install qt or with macports sudo port install qt4-mac.

What's included

  • Web sever with Sprockets to support on-the-fly Slim/CoffeScript/SASS compilation. Start it with rackup. It will start on
  • Live reload support. No plugins required, works in every browser (including iOS Safari). Start it with guard -P livereload, and when you save file, webpage with app will automatically reload.
  • Cucumber test runner. Run it manually with cucumber.
  • Cucumber test auto runner. Will re-run test when you save test-related files. Start with guard -P cucumber.
  • Jasmine headless test runner. Run it manually with jasmine-headless-webkit. If you need html runner for inspection, latest run is saved as tmp/jasmine_runner.html.
  • Jasmine tests auto-runner. Run it with guard -P jasmine-headless-webkit.