
Extra functions for more easily building Http requests

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT

Republished as elm-http-builder for 0.17


ICARE Build Status

Chainable functions for building HTTP requests and composable functions for handling responses.

Need help? Join the #http channel in the Elm Slack!

Thanks to @fredcy, @rileylark, and @etaque for the original discussion of the API


In this example, we expect a successful response to be JSON array of strings, like:

["hello", "world", "this", "is", "the", "best", "json", "ever"]

and an error response might have a body which just includes text, such as the following for a 404 error:

Not Found.

We'll use HttpExtra.jsonReader and a Json.Decode.Decoder to parse the successful response body and HttpExtra.stringReader to accept a string body on error without trying to parse JSON.

import Time
import Http.Extra as HttpExtra exposing (..)
import Json.Decode as Json

itemsDecoder : Json.Decoder (List String)
itemsDecoder =
  Json.list Json.string

addItem : String -> Task (HttpExtra.Error String) (HttpExtra.Response (List String))
addItem item =
  HttpExtra.post "http://example.com/api/items"
    |> withStringBody ("{ \"item\": \"" ++ item ++ "\" }")
    |> withHeader "Content-Type" "application/json"
    |> withTimeout (10 * Time.second)
    |> withCredentials
    |> send (jsonReader itemsDecoder) stringReader


I'm happy to receive any feedback and ideas for about additional features. Any input and pull requests are very welcome and encouraged. If you'd like to help or have ideas, get in touch with me at @luke_dot_js on Twitter or @luke in the elmlang Slack!