
Ansible 2.0 connection plugin that allows you to access LXD containers remotely through SSH

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This plugin is the same as https://github.com/antifuchs/ansible-sshlxd-connection without a couple of lines. The reason is the plugin don't work fine with "becomes" in container. In this fork I asume the ssh user have permissions to run lxd. This way, I can compose sudoable commands in the container.


An Ansible 2.0 connection plugin that allows you to access LXD containers remotely through SSH.

The sshlxd plugin uses SSH, sudo and lxc exec (along with lxc file pull and lxc file push) on the remote host to run ansible plays on an LXD container running on a remote host. It's really useful if you have a Mac and want to provision a Linux server with containers on it (otherwise you could just use any old LXD connection plugin and use remote containers, I guess).

It's tested with Ansible 2.0.1 and the Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) beta.


Machine running ansible:

  • Ansible 2.0 and its dependencies


  • Linux
  • LXD, tested with the version Ubuntu Xenial ships with
  • SSH
  • Sudo
  • Ansible 2.0's dependencies (that's probably python 2.7)

LXD container:

  • Ansible 2.0's dependencies (that's probably python 2.7 again)


This is a Connection Type Plugin. The installation procedure is simple (but you can't do it via Galaxy, sadly): Put (or link) sshlxd.py in your ansible playbooks' connection_plugins/ directory, and add Inventory entries, e.g.:

my-db-jail@ ansible_ssh_port=2222 ansible_connection=sshlxd ansible_ssh_user=vagrant

As you can see, the format here is relatively simple - the jail name goes in the portion before the @ in the host name, the host name goes after. Give SSH parameters with ansible_ssh_* params.

To give sshlxd the privileges it needs to lxd exec, you have to use become: true in the play for the container.

In theory, you can also add hosts dynamically via the add_host module, but I haven't tried this yet.


This plugin owes pretty much everything to ansible-sshjail - it started life as a copy of that code (and still retains most of its heritage!). Thanks to @austinhyde for making this!